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Everything posted by Yo HasLEGO

  1. Hey Rob, could you send a composition of the FTC sign when you have the time? I think it would look great on the half round towers on the second story. Thanks in advance
  2. Some blocks are missing certain "parts". Like the floating platform doesn't have the spinning propeller in it anymore, the stone letters T and K have missing surfaces so you can see through them and the car front mask that used to have a grill texture now is blank. These are the only three I've found so far that have these kinds of problems.
  3. Yo HasLEGO

    Discord channels

    Discord is so much easier to navigate in than this complicated forum ?
  4. 1. Stone Blocks: A lot of the 1x1x2 and 1x1x1 stone blocks in older builds have turned into a lighter tint. Newly placed stone blocks all have a normal tint. 2. Roof Blocks The roof blocks of this random encounter in an old save have lost their collision.
  5. Sure, here you go (this is the savefile of the world that has the collision-less roofblocks) I couldn't come up with a name for it at the time so i named it "dot" Bugs for Nikki.zip
  6. Yo HasLEGO

    Day off Challenge- Caliga Hall

    That could be it. I have quite a bit of memory so that might explain why we didn't have any problems.
  7. Yo HasLEGO

    Day off Challenge- Caliga Hall

    @spiritchaser28invited me today to @Deadeye_Rob's amazing map. What an incredible place! Immediately I got overflown with inspiration! Every single wall, window and even the ceilings were filled with genious ideas! The interior leans close to what i am going for in the castle i'm currently working on so naturally I took loads of pictures I also want to ask if it would be ok if I'd implement some of the ideas into my castle, like the table with the minimap and the glass cabinets to display treasures
  8. Yo HasLEGO

    Broken car passenger seats

    Seems to be everywhere
  9. Yo HasLEGO

    Broken car passenger seats

    1. Five of the passenger seats have no collision, which consequently lets you walk through them and lets you place other blocks inside them. The annihilator doesn't detect them either. 2. The little text that pops up when trying to interact with items is way off with the two blue passenger seats. Putting these seats on cars doesn't fix either of the problems above. I can imagine the collision bug can be very confusing for new players.
  10. When I go far away of the energy splitter, or, and, xor and the randomizer they render wrong by one block. I hope this picture explains it better than i do ?
  11. I'm having the same issue right now in survival. I was switching between two packs to overcome the overheating. After landing on my ship one of the packs proceeded to heat up and is now permanently stuck overheated. output logs in case it could help output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  12. If I exit out of the building stations building mode, I can still only place items inside the building radius of the station. I get the message "location too far" when trying to place something outside of the radius. This happens even after completely removing the building station. I have only tried this in legacy and sandbox. Both had this game breaking bug. output logs below output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt edit: exiting out to the main menu and going back in seems to fix this
  13. @Aleš Ulm, here's the zip of the sandbox game with the stone blocks. LETS_BUILD_THINGS!.zip
  14. Oh I forgot zipping files was a thing, thanks
  15. No No, sorry for the misunderstanding @Aleš Ulm. All the blocks were the same normal colour before the beta.
  16. @Misa_Bondejcgirl, I found an intact version of the tower in the same game. It has an iron bow and some arrows laying on the railing. I tried blueprinting it and the roof doesn't get blueprinted. It's like it doesn't exist. @Aleš Ulm, the building in the picture was made on a sandbox savegame. Unfortunately I cannot send .ylandsgame files. ? So here are the paint codes (with paintgun) normal stone gray: 135 124 112 light stone gray: 196 183 160 I also don't think the rotation or placement of the blocks matters. But i'm not sure. It's been a long time since I built it. I hope this helps a little.
  17. When holding a tool like the terraformer (with the spacial camera angle), the character starts spinning around when holding left or right movement keys while gliding down.
  18. Yo HasLEGO

    1.6 suggestion

    So far i'm loving the new building camera. It would also be great if we could connect energy lines while in this mode, or even paint blocks and items. Talking about energy lines, they should only be visible when holding an energy linker or when in builder mode.
  19. Yo HasLEGO

    Covid Relief Building Contest -- $100 prize!

    I'm in I'm not sure what i'm going to make yet but i'll figure something out along the way. Also, Cheering for ya Chief!!!
  20. Yo HasLEGO

    transfer account to other PC

    I'm getting myself a new PC and I wondered if it was possible to transfer my account to that new PC. If so, please tell me how ?
  21. Yo HasLEGO

    transfer account to other PC

    Never mind XD. For some reason I forgot it was on steam! So i just log in on steam on the new PC and problem solved
  22. Yo HasLEGO

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

    My in-game name is: YoHasLEGO ❤️ devs
  23. Yo HasLEGO

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

    AMAZING! Do we get a code to redeem, or how does it work? because I seem to have the same amount of coyns as before.
  24. Yo HasLEGO

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

    I'll make a taxi stand How big does it need to be?
  25. Yo HasLEGO

    P1 Building Competition! #6 - The Server Build

    the lego shop is uploaded