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Miguel Preguisa

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Posts posted by Miguel Preguisa

  1. I like this idea. But I think some interface instead of buckets would be better. You would mix the colors already for the painting, and the interface could do something like little painting program. Because when you try to do something like painting normally in game it ends in the best way only like that Mona Lisa.

  2. It would be great to have some help and info about items and blocks in game. Its difficult to guess where to find some of these items, or how to do some important blocks. Picking up random things from ground, crafting everything and watching if you could craft something what you actually need is little annoying. So something like encyclopedia of blocks in Ylands would be very helpful. :)

  3. Hello everyone,

    I first heard about Ylands in half of November and after it I could not wait to test it out. So I got Ylands as a christmas gift and I must say I hope everything will happen as you are planning. Because your plans with the game are great. I hope Ylands wil get good community too. :-)
