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Everything posted by Hunter-Over-Fire

  1. Hunter-Over-Fire

    First Ship

    why is everyone here better than me at ship crafting?!
  2. Hunter-Over-Fire


    to clever for ylands you are.
  3. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Mirror effect

    uho! I got it! it is a vissable zone of some sort I see.
  4. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Mirror effect

    but how the window fog?
  5. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Building Competition - 15,000 USD in prizes

    wait. you can get blood in ylands? well don't mind if I do >:D.
  6. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Mobile Base

    I can't believe you've done this!
  7. Hunter-Over-Fire

    My first Ylands story (Limited Spoilers)

    How the skeleton?
  8. Hunter-Over-Fire

    ★YWD-Ylands Kart

    Spyler.X why must you be 5 steps ahead of us always?
  9. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Fairy Tale assets

    You play plants vs zombies don't you?
  10. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Interview Ynterview #17 - Naru

    They look more like recolored large steel rods than blocks.
  11. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Dev Diary #128 - Underwater Adventures

    Glowing under water plants? Think like unknown worlds entertainment.
  12. Hunter-Over-Fire

    48 Cannon Battlecruiser

    It may look silly but I would not dare enter that thing's territory!
  13. Hunter-Over-Fire

    tanks in Ylands

    This is inspiring.
  14. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Custom Key Binds

    How do you get custom key binds into visual scripting for like pressing J to explode something for some reason?
  15. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Golden Dragon Steam Locomotive

  16. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Golden Dragon Steam Locomotive

    Just now realizing how low quality that photo is. Sorry. Also idk how to make and send videos ATM. But if you want a better photo, I can make that.
  17. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Exploration mode too small

    I can't wait for a new map Exploration related update. Because I am a nomad stereotype or something, I like to bring my base with me. I don't like to settle down, I like to explore on and on, racking up resources and weaponry to combat other players at sea or at land. Because of the infinite map I want in the game, I would find infinite resources and be able to craft so many explosive barrels for sea combat.
  18. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Range Weapon Particles

    Thanks this information will not go to waste.
  19. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Range Weapon Particles

    The particles that emit from fire arms sometimes appear backwards. The gunshot effect on the snubnosed revolver is completely inversed and it triggers me (no pun intended) because I use the gun allot in my game works.
  20. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Working Water Taps

    But first I will need to figure out a good potion to make into beer. I mean I still would like a flask of water in the game so that I could script my own drink effect from it
  21. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Working Water Taps

    I Managed to create a working Hand Pump and tank settup In the Ylands Editor. How it works you might ask? Well when you Interact With the handle/tap, The handle/tap will check for a certain item type within your inventory. The item is a glass flask, and if it finds the glass flask in your inventory, it will play a 3 second animation, a water pouring sound effect, and a water collecting sound effect. It will also delete the Flask from your inventory and replace it with a potion of speed colored to look like it is filled with water. If it does not find the flask in your inventory, the animation and sound effect will still play (with the exception of the water collecting sound effect) and a player warning will appear telling you that you have "No Glass". The image for both are provided.
  22. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Bottled water

    Why not have a bottle of water that is drinkable to the player for the purpose of existing or for creators like me to make custom potions via scrips and logic. also I want just water for my awesome water taps :).
  23. Hunter-Over-Fire

    script access to character animations (besides emotes)

    Nice to hear. I was about to suggest this anyways!
  24. Hunter-Over-Fire

    Help me with a couple of "problems."

    Compact and useful?