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Posts posted by Hunter-Over-Fire

  1. On 1/27/2021 at 7:19 PM, Deadeye_Rob said:

    I’d like to see larger sea beasts to hunt for. It would be nice to give harpoons a reason to be craftable.

    Whale/shark hunting would be a welcome addition!

    Imagine hunting the kraken in Ylands.

  2. My most recently created wheel pair.  If you couldn't tell already, it is a pair of driver wheels for a steam locomotive.  I plan to make different variants with different features such as counterweights and whatnot.  See you soon, and hopefully with more to show you.

    Railroad Wheels.jpg

    Railroad Wheels 2.jpg

    Driver Wheels 2.jpg

    Train Wheels Minor.jpg

    • Like 3

  3. Back in the day, tools and items had use durability and needed to be repaired using a repair kit when they broke. Nowdays the repair kit is cosmetic and has no use. Since people like me are constantly moaning about being unable to repair ships and blocks without scripting, I thought just now about using the repair kits to repair vehicles and blocks. G/B?

  4. Fishing is cool and all, but you have is a shabby old wooden rod and all you ever catch is one pretty basic fish item.  I would like to see more ways to fish in ylands, and more things you could catch. I would love to see changes to the way you fish to make it more difficult, perhaps a risk of the line snapping? Anyways, I'd like to see more fishing poles, fish traps, cast nets, etc. I would also like to see more and different types of fish you can catch. Some fish can be rarer than others and have a higher trade value. Maybe you can have the chance to fish up junk or rarities other than fish too, like shells, sea stars, coins, etc. A fishing overhaul would be a great change to Ylands. 

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  5. I would like to see merfolk added to Ylands. I imagine it would either be an option to turn a human NPC into one in the editor, or have it be an entirely new NPC type. Also the mermaids would be customizable like the human NPCs.

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  6. On 6/21/2020 at 1:31 AM, Indomitus said:

    How about a slingshot?  1 stick and 1 string to craft, and add pebbles to be the ammunition (break small rocks to get them).  It would automatically match with its ammunition, like the bow and arrow.  It would do very little damage, but it would be very easy to craft, fire quickly, and very easy to get more ammunition for it, making it useful for early game.

    Edit:  I know that's not the direction the OP wanted to go, but the idea just popped into my head while reading it.

    Actually not a bad suggestion.  I like this.
