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Everything posted by JohnMFSteel

  1. JohnMFSteel


    When holding the mining drill highlighting items gives the excavate tooltip instead of the one for picking, and also you are unable to pick items while holding it.
  2. JohnMFSteel

    big love

    So struggling with the not being able to eat issue like we all are. I just discovered if you die while on your boat you can despawn and respawn it and all your stuff will come with it ❤️❤️❤️ can't even describe how worried I was about despawning my boat with loot laying on it
  3. JohnMFSteel

    [Item Suggestion] Telescopes

    A variety of telescopes would be nice. Simple tripod telescopes for putting on ships to view distant yland. The good ole handheld for scouting for enemies before advancing. Some building blocks for making a large observatory telescope would be nice too, as it is the sky in game is a joy. Telescopes for viewing the sky could also be an excuse to draw images with the stars eventually. Perhaps even leaving clues to treasure in the stars.
  4. JohnMFSteel


    the tooltip for eating says hold to eat but the accepted input is on click
  5. JohnMFSteel


    I placed bait to catch an ostrich, but the ostrich came straight to me instead of the bait. I didn't tag as bug in case this is supposed to happen sometimes
  6. JohnMFSteel

    Output logs

    Been playing exploration for awhile today I've had various issues today so I'm gonna go ahead and drop my logs here main thing on my mind atm is I was having some input issues before I got off i'll try to start doing a better job logging the issues I am having and when ? output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  7. JohnMFSteel

    [BUG] Potions

    true, just confirmed potion of flight also does it.
  8. JohnMFSteel

    [BUG] Potions

    The not ready yet bug extends to health potions apparently
  9. JohnMFSteel

    [BUG] Hotbar

    If you have an item equipped in your hotbar you can move it to a chest and it will remain usable in your hotbar
  10. JohnMFSteel


    I thought the point was that they will eat the bait if you take too long?
  11. JohnMFSteel


    that's not what I mean. The bait activated, but instead of them going to the bait they came to me. I was well away from the bait.
  12. JohnMFSteel

    Uninteractable NPC

    just came across an NPC named Hernest who offered to trade but had no trade action available
  13. JohnMFSteel

    [BUG] Paper

    Unique paper is able to stack with blank paper and other unique papers in some cases blocking them from being unstacked
  14. JohnMFSteel

    Steam store suggestion

    Consider adding multi purchase bundle to exploration dlc page on steam store, am considering purchasing it for some friends but doing it 1 by 1 seems like a hassle
  15. JohnMFSteel

    {Experimental Branch} Terrain Volume Tool

    Sad times, what is the scripting menu on the terrain volume tool actually for then?
  16. How do I activate the add terrain remove terrain and remove entities from the scripting menu? Side note: What I am planning to do is subterranean ore generation. By Ray casting @ random X,Y locations dropping Z to predetermined depths based on ore types gonna do some RL research to decide that, then having a shape at the smallest size create nodes by removing terrain and spreading like a growth. growing up to predetermined sizes randomized within a range. probably need to log locations till the process is finished to prevent repeats... I hate when song playlists repeat the same song over and over, don't you?
  17. JohnMFSteel

    {Experimental Branch} Playing with the new tools <3

    was working on a bigger ysland, but the view distance isn't playing nice after a recent driver update. So here's a pic of the focal point of the ysland. The whole ysland is shaped like a big aircraft carrier, but this is all I could get to load.
  18. The new tools are so much fun! here are a couple basic islands taht I made.
  19. I was terrain sculpting for awhile, saved, went to exit and it froze on the loading screen going to the main menu output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  20. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value is too large to be successfully packed. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value is too large to be successfully packed. Parameter name: unpacked +t ylands.Navigation.VectorI3ToLong.Pack (VectorI3) ylands.Navigation.NavPathFinder.FindPath () ylands.Navigation.NavPathFinder.Execute (TaskThread) TaskExecutor+TaskExecutorImpl.WorkerThreadFunction (Object) System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T) System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T) System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean) System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object) System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart (Object) System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T) Logged at System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T) System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T) System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean) System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object) System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart (Object) System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T)
  21. lol it's funny, I've been making all kinds of crazy tunnels with the tool. Yet my brain never went hey connect the ends ?‍♂️
  22. So first am drooling over the Terrain volume tool. Adding donut shape to the tool would make creating crescent shaped Ylands easier/faster Second The new mummy is sleek I think it might look a bit nicer if the eye slit was slightly narrower. (kinda back and forth on this it would be nice to have both. The big slit is nice for friendly mummies, but it's a little wide for darker vibes. The way I look at mummies getting reanimated is a curse, dark energies or something like that. If it were something divine they wouldn't come back in an incomplete state. That said, breaking a curse doesn't mean the spirit is ready to move on, maybe it's somebody who wasn't ready to die. So then you get a good mummy hanging around till they are ready to move on. My logic with that is, if you get cursed you deserve reparations. ) A version of the mummy that looks like it was brought back by some sort of fungus would be super cool. Edit for additional thoughts: It might be nice if in the editor their was a sort of low LoD underlay extending further than the normal view distance to help keep perspective of scale.
  23. System.Exception: [LoginError] OAuth/LoginWithPublisherTicket: error_code=500 api_code=null message=Internal Server Error System.Exception: [LoginError] OAuth/LoginWithPublisherTicket: error_code=500 api_code=null message=Internal Server Error +t YlandsClient.Preloader+<ReportLoginErrorCoro>d__6.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator, IntPtr) Logged at I was restarting the game when this happened not first connect of the day Working now.
  24. When removing entities inside a Sphere with a size of 305 the game crashed, the sphere was sunken only a bit more than half way into the sea floor so the diameter of removal was pretty large When removing terrain to create a sphere at -186 this happened Regenerating Ocean Volume fills tunnels created bellow sea level that aren't connected to the ocean
  25. JohnMFSteel


    It would be nice if we could generate Terrain stamps via script the main thing I want this for is to generate ore veins under the terrain or maybe above the terrain for a fantasy world ?‍♂️