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Everything posted by empeorgame3

  1. Can anyone change my nickname into Mustafa Malik.
  2. empeorgame3

    Dev Diary #152 - Ylands Streaming

    Mr Adam are you trying to add steam trains and railway connections. I Will be very happy if you said yes. And will you add combat cavalry and sheild to protect us.
  3. empeorgame3

    can anyone change my nickname.

    thank you, i m making many great things like the first creation havenburger have you tried.
  4. empeorgame3

    Dev Diary #152 - Ylands Streaming

    wonderful mr adam.I like it.
  5. empeorgame3

    Dev Diary #152 - Ylands Streaming

    Yo you jchob. You are right.There must be a office tour so people must know what developers of ylands are doing and it will eliminate the thought of people what they are saying?.
  6. empeorgame3

    Havenburger prohect started.

    The project greenwood is now called HAVENBURGER.Haven empire makes Havenburger terriortry . The sucessful project has beta version published on 1 nov 2020. Havenburger is made by undefinded company which will revealed later on 2027. Now for ylands it is called creationists.CREATIONARTISTS. Project Havenburger's will be inspired by many great places. PROJECT:HAVENBURGER BY EMPEORGAME3. THANK YOU.
  7. empeorgame3

    can anyone change my nickname.

    yes of course
  8. might the devs listen this post
  9. empeorgame3

    can anyone change my nickname.

    this account is protected and it have cybercell protection code for me.Sorry for inconvenice,
  10. empeorgame3

    can anyone change my nickname.

    that account was vanished by a hacker.
  11. empeorgame3


    Mr mello can you teach me how to make a elevator that could be of 4 floors with game logic.
  12. Havenburger is not a game but a world which consists of only players if its 1000000 players.Not only The players of ylands now have their own land;Havenburger, which will release in 2021.The first beta session includes a Havenburger HQ(in progress) and 2 buildings where players can live.Only now.But the next big update can add 23 islands made by me.It will have railway connections and many more things will added.It is the most heaviest game in ylands but dont worry by making entity wields we will minimize it. It will release in two years because it will have constant updates. THANK YOU BY MUSTAFA
  13. empeorgame3


    Impressive ,very impressive.