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João Canela

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Everything posted by João Canela

  1. João Canela

    Pick up back my things

    Hi, i'm brand new to the game. I want to know how can I pick my things back after placement, like the Blacksmith, spinner wheel, barrels, tables, etc etc? I watched some video on youtbe and some players said, "destroy it with a hammer and you'll get the raw items back and you can craft it again" Well, tried it and I didn't get back all the items necessary to craft it again. Can someone explain me please?
  2. João Canela

    Inventory/Stacking Megathread

    I'm new to the game, but as far as I experienced: 1 - the dirt stacks in your inventory. I've read somewhere that dirt was "automatically placed" on the ground around you, and a "mountain" was created without you want it. So, I think dirt being stackable upon digging is a good idea. 2 - Maybe the construcion blocks, wooden logs and bamboo logs could have a bigger stack? Like, i'm going out to cut some trees and get as many logs I can, so I can go back to "my house area" and begin it's contruction (or keep it's consctrution o bigger scale). 3 - For the weapons, if they are in your inventory, it's logic it count for the inventory space as the other items count 4 - Inventory items ordered by alphabet anything else could be good for someone. Well, on any game that has a inventory, the player wants to arrange it on is own taste (usually weapons together, food, clothes, etc). You know what I mean?
  3. João Canela

    Pick up back my things

    Thanks both for the replies. As I never used the editor, I think the hammer solution will do it for now. Thanks