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Posts posted by equieri

  1. 46 minutes ago, kimbuck said:

    masochisitic  me tried  again ... i deleted  progress under settings  etc ...  started again ..but  no barrier   oh well

    all seems  ok  i   re built   up  some   weapons and  clothing  ...  sailed and  visited  2  islands ,  built a temp  shelter and  logged out for  dinner   .    came back    and  all worked   including  feeding.

    Had to go to rl  for  20  mins   .. so  made another  shelter on another island ..put  down a bed  again ...logged out.

    Came  back  30  mins later     at correct place ...  but   unable to feed .

    tried  diff  foods ...  diff places -  logged out  and  back  and whatever ...still  unable to feed .

    Game is useless  as it is ..

    will it be fixed  before     xmas?

     hopefully  yes  but  from  past experience ... i doubt it.

    Game still broken ...ohh its  got  new stuff,,  look  see ...    but whats the use  if its  basically   broken?

    logs  not  provided as i am tired of sending them in ...  spent  more time   sending logs  than playing the  game

    So sorry to hear that, we're looking into the hunger issue right now. We would like to have it fixed for the hotfix expected this Thursday.

    Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the frustration.

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  2. 3 hours ago, bojo2736 said:

    Me: Hey look! They put the day length back to 48 min! 

    Also me (hiding from mutants): Why is this night so long? Whose idea was this? 

    Is it possible to script the day length so the days are 2/3 and the night is 1/3. How would one do this?

    yes, there is a tile controlling day duration that you can change in the morning and in the evening using Time trigger logic.

    • Thanks 1

  3. Hello, yes we have decided to add further block manipulation controls. In the 0.11.1 it will be possible to move the block itself. After holding RMB the WSAD will move the block in the horizontal plane. We're trying to polish this mechanic at the moment.


    Also we're trying to address the ship issue which i agree is unfortunate consequence of our desire to capitalise on the ability to hover with the block in free space and place it into difficult positions without the need to aim at an existing block on the ship.


    11 hours ago, Indomitus said:

    The new system also can't seem to tell the difference between a ship's grid and the world grid right beside the ship.  While building a ship, I decided to extend my dock a little bit, and it kept attaching the blocks to the ship, even though they weren't even remotely touching each other.  Then a bit later I decided to free place a couple lanterns on my dock.  The one placed near the ship moved when the ship moved.

    In addition, my ship which was anchored, kept moving each time a block was added, which eventually meant some blocks refused to align with it correctly.  I had to build my ship in the Editor.

    AND... In the Editor, Duplicate is NOT working right.  I press CTRL+D, and duplicates, I move the new ones to the location, and it WILL NOT let me release them.  I end up having to button-mash to try and drop them, so I have no clue what button is actually making it happen.

    edit:  Apparently, it's a right-click on the mouse that release them in the Editor.  This is starting to get annoying.

    Building 2.0 is BROKEN.


    The manipulation with object in the editor after they have been placed should not have been affected by the new building mode. I'm not sure what issue exactly you are referencing with the duplication but I've tried to duplicate objects on current and past update with previous building system and couldn't tell a difference. Maybe if you could elaborate?


    Thanks for valuable feedback though. We'll try to work out your grievances and hopefully get the system to where everyone is as happy with it as possible. :)

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  4. 7 minutes ago, kimbuck said:

    @equieri ......  yes    i deduced that was the issue...    the ship was  4  squares away from the pier i was building and i  decided to  build another  a bit further way ..and  saw the line of  new block  converge  towards the ship ...!   When i moved the ship, some of the blocks  moved with it   so they must have  infringed on the ships  grid.

    But  i still  found   the  build system  fiddly ...  i  looks like its  going to take a while to get used to it..

    I had a very, frustrating  day,  as you can tell!o.O

    the  screenshot  i took  doesn't   help   ..just showed the  blocks  slightly out of alignment  with  no other   frame of  reference....

    Gotcha, i can understand and sympathise. It's a big change and the issue you came across is quite unfortunate. We're looking forward to more feedback once you get comfortable with it. Thank you :).

  5. 5 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    well   it seems that the  blocks   construction/placement   field   is  larger now and it  was interfering with the   area of  my  ship parked  4  block widths  away  and  attaching  themselves to  my ships   hull indirectly!

    I moved  my ship further away and  some of the  blocks  went with it!

    I then found that the pier i was constructing ...  the  blocks  would  now  align!

    So peeps, it seems with the new placement   thing,  the blocks  being placed  have a wider  area of influence around them...  so  do not  try to place  walls  etc  around    objects   already in place  .. it  wont  work!    You need to make your  walls   etc  first  ..then place  the  contents inside.

    Looks like the   building  interface  needs   tweaking.:|



    could you send me the savegame and an image of where you wanted to build? I suspect that there has been some overlap of the Ship and Global building grid. With the new system as long as the block outline you're trying to place is inside the Ship's space it will inherit it's grid. So there may be some issues while building close to a ship without the intention to build on the ship itself as the block will struggle to find correct position.

    Thank you.

    8 hours ago, Indomitus said:

    There are a few issues.  One is as described by Antimidation.  There does not appear to be a control to precisely move blocks into position.  G no longer works.

    I have also noticed that blocks will not snap onto any faces that are away from the player.  This causes problems with building UP (such as tall posts) or AWAY (such as floors, balconies, or docks).

    If it can not be made to automatically snap on faces away from the player (which would be understandable) then we need to have precise movement controls.  Perhaps they can be bound to Player movement + SHIFT keys?  (example: Shift + W moves block forward away from player)

    Or combined with CTRL, if Shift is a problem.


    there is a way to move the block away and towards the player. It's called Build range. It can be seen in the bottom right hint menu. It is on Ctrl + Mouse wheel on default.



    Hope this helps :).

  6. On 05/10/2018 at 6:14 PM, WijkagentAdrie said:

    Hello Iceman! What exactly will you be working on the next few months?

    Also, the offroad chassis looks cool, along with the new vehicle parts! Are the wheels seperate/changeable? Also another request, now that there's an offroad chassis, can the normal chassis get a small overhaul to be a more on-road focused chassis? This would mean running a lot lower than now, with firmer suspension for example. Anyways, thanks for showing us some more content, I really like these previews :) 


    Hey Adrie,

    every chassis has got it's own non-changeable wheels. Although in the 0.10.1 update there is also a second new car chassis coming - Race car chassis. It can be seen on the right in the picture. The attributes of the basic car chassis remain the same but the Race car chassis is more road oriented with increased capabilities such as acceleration, break efficiency and stiff suspension. :)


    On 06/10/2018 at 1:18 AM, handofthesly said:

    YES! Look at that FLEX and higher ground clearance too? I have been ready for this since vehicles first came out!

    I really hope for the option to engage and disengage between 2WD and 4WD. I suppose asking for Diff Lock and a Winch is a bit much but those would be features I’d love to see ?

    Hello handofthesly,

    Haha what an interesting idea. Maybe it could be added in the future. :)  For now there is no such feature though i'm afraid. :)


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