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Posts posted by Houp

  1. Hi, can you please send us your .ylands file with instruction how to achieve this instruction to be called? (preferably a lever in front of spawn point)

    However problem is probably in bad error message. We encountered that this message is shown in the case that you have a listener/trigger zone which will trigger on spawning of the object and will destroy "partly" created entity. Can it be  your case?

  2. Hi, something to achieve this is planned (will not mention when but surely NOT in 0.12)

    We want to allow you to store some information at least per player/user for each game(aka scenario) which would be shareable between sessions of the same game. Idea behind it is that you should be able to connect to different server with same game running and to have some progress there.

    + we want to allow you (not just you, us too :) ) to store some information per player but not per scenario but per creator. (for example to be able to have your own internal currency(like Oliver Q coins) shared between several of your different games)

    Even design of that feature is in the beginning so do NOT expect it soon. :)

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  3. Hi, there is problem in 0.11 on some computers with placing a composition (crashes). It was connected to rendering shadows. Try to lower your shadow settings. It may help. (it should be fixed in 0.12)

    • Thanks 2

  4. On 2/18/2019 at 5:43 PM, Indomitus said:

    The only thing I've ever used it for was to walk around, and see whatever I'm building the same way a player would see it.  Kind of strange there's not more features attached to it.


    On 2/18/2019 at 8:22 PM, Miguel Preguisa said:

    It worked like a Create scenario and the changes stayed in the world but with Editor overhaul, it became just this character mode. I also use it only if I want to see player proportions, his field of view or test his jump abilities. 


    These are reason why the mode is there. To quickly test how it would feel to move inside what you have created. No special tools are planned for this mode. On the other hand tweaking editor/game terraforming tools is planned.

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  5. Hi, one of the reasons causing this bug is fixed and ready for update but we cannot be sure if there are not other causes for this problem.

    Fixed was issue when you tried to Undo deleting of global/entity storages with other entities/game logic object referencing variables/function from the storages in one delete step.

    We can check if this is issue for you if you send us your .yland file were you are not able to go to the start of undo/redo history.

    • Like 1

  6. Hi,

    can you be more specific? What would be difference to having one global storage named "Custom events" and having there custom instructions like "OnSomethingHappened arg1 arg2" and then calling it from numerous spaces?

  7. On 2/9/2019 at 4:04 AM, Igor Q. said:

    For consol commands, will we be able to search for characters/strings within the system?

    Ex: Player types /Spawn 10 torch

    Searches for command "spawn" then quantity "10" then object type "torch"


    Hi, thats not how it will work.

    You set event listener to listen to console commands:


    and then you can define what will happen if someone writes //mycoolcommand argument1 argument2


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