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Posts posted by Houp

  1. Hi, in fact "delay" internally creates Time trigger and after it triggers it is "destroyed" (used by another Delay instruction) Time triggers are probably little more effective (because delay is "Something" + Time trigger) but I would not choose between them from the view of performance. I would use the one which would make code clearer.

  2. 17 hours ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

    Problem is it drops everyone from the server and then restarts. However, it often fails to bring people back into the server. 

    Or am I thinking about the wrong logic here? 

    There is only one restart tile. It should work as you want it to work. Can you please provide logs of server/clients after their reconnection fails?

  3. Ok, you meant by "Editor" Visual scripting. That was not clear from that post.

    In 0.12 you will be able to mark some trigger zones dynamic and then you will be able to change their position/rotation/size with VS tiles. (you will be able to do that with trigger zones which are triggered by Players/Player team/Player role/Specific entity and Labeled entities -> last one will not be much effective for labels with a lot of entities in it but it may be useful in some cases)

    We will consider the other suggestion but it will not probably bee in next update.
