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Everything posted by Silwercastle

  1. Silwercastle

    Propeller pack can be a real life saver.

    Used the crossbow on this lot and when the bolts ran out the war axe. The war axe is much stronger than the sword, give it a try.
  2. Silwercastle

    Sneak Peek #44

    Why not just let it be rechargeable or force you to carry extra ylandium cells to swap out and charge it... like rechargeable batteries.
  3. Silwercastle

    Propeller pack can be a real life saver.

    There a 4 massive caves on this island crawling with them which made the pack a must. Problem with the pack is if you are a bit to nervous you tend to fall out of the air right between them.
  4. Silwercastle

    Propeller pack can be a real life saver.

    This Ylandium "farm" has another 30 - 50 of them. I am leaving them be to multiply for now as I have enough for my current use. Between this lot, a few hiding in the top left and 6 more that got in my way getting here a accumulated 29 dust.
  5. Silwercastle

    How to upload an explore map to share it

    At last it is done. Thanks.
  6. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    How do I submit a map/building to the workshop is I want to make it available for people to have a look at ?
  7. Remember to add "explorer" maps does not work like this even if you open them in the editor.
  8. Silwercastle

    How to upload an explore map to share it

    How do I select the whole building it only selects one brick or are you still only talking of buildings in scenarios ?
  9. Silwercastle

    How to upload an explore map to share it

    Ok, none of my stuff will be uploaded then. Thanks for coming back to us @Ane
  10. Silwercastle

    How to upload an explore map to share it

    You have the same problem as me. None of the answers I am given works and the dev's does not even seem to look at the problem. I posted a question in bug reports and even pm Ane , but nothing... no feedback and at this point the only thing I can still try is deleting and reloading the game. If that does not work .......
  11. Silwercastle


    I tend to skip gun power all together as the weapons feel very week and a crossbow uses about as much shots as a rifle to kill. Once I find sulphur my game is almost done and ylandium is all that needs searching for.
  12. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    Bad news I am afraid. Went and opened map I wanted to save. Did a save as and gave it a unique name. Clicked on open to open the new "saved as" file and ... nothing... it does not exist on my pc even though it said "save was successful.
  13. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    "Save as" is the only thing i did not press as it did not make sense to me that there be a diff between that and just save. Hope my map is not to big to pack. Will test in an hr when i get home from work. (alt-tabing at work ). Will report back.
  14. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    Thanks, i went through it. As far as i can see composition is to save a "item" like a boat. I want to save a map. There for i need to use "pack for sharing" and that is in the editor under the file tab. Now i press that button and not a dam thing happens
  15. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    Thanks, but my first hurdle is i have "NO" share or Composition folder. Only Savegame and Scenario folders. Do i need to create them or press a button to generate them ?
  16. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    There are no "share" folder. I validated the game files and nothing was wrong.
  17. Go into my editor. Select and open map in editor. Click on "pack for sharing". Wait but nothing happens.... not .ycp file is formed. Save I am attempting to pack is 35meg in size, is that to big or do I have to wait something like a hour for it to create ?
  18. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    Ok, it looks like my game does not create a .ycp (packed for sharing) file when I click for it to do so. I after that failed thought I misunderstood and tried to zip a save file, which clearly is not correct. (My save file size is 35meg)
  19. The reason am asking is that am not sure if i should upload my "beach house" so players can play or just walk around in it to get ideas or give suggestions. Share your thoughts, thanks.
  20. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    Sorry, would you mind helping me again. Nothing happens after a click on pack for sharing or do I have to wait an hour for it to said it is done ?
  21. Silwercastle

    Workshop submition

    This does not work !! I zipped the save file and its to big! I packaged the game map in the editor, but now the upload tell me it does not recognise the file format. Please help.
  22. Silwercastle

    Share your beautiful pictures!

    Can you see all the easy ylandium I found ? Walked away with 10 pieces. It was just beautiful....
  23. Silwercastle

    V2.0 Beach house

    Was not happy with previous version. Interior and some outside still need to be done. Flowers and other décor will be last.
  24. Silwercastle

    V2.0 Beach house

    Thanks, there is a very large fireplace behind that second floor wall. This is just a bit of many flaws my building has. The image with the busts is strangely not a problem, but going through normal doors at times is. Hopefully I can improve on this building in my next after the update. I am going to attempt to add this to the workshop if anybody wants a look before the update makes it no longer playable.
  25. Silwercastle

    V2.0 Beach house

    Thanks, planting in these pots is really a bit of a mess. Well it might as well be a bit of colonial dwelling, don't really know. We are going to really have lots of fun building in this game.