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Posts posted by 0ldguy

  1. Clan!!!(they already suggested this)

    >can customize flag

    >have their own island to create/design 

    >population determines the Yland size



    >can not melee damages team during a hunt

    >indication where the team is(when its near and no indication when far)

    >can create/build in the barrier 

    >range attack 50% chance of hitting the group for tanking a bigger animal/monster


    Solar panels 



    Robots(cant wait)

    >i now can conquer the world ? 

    >can combine body parts(+special traits)


  2. *Easy ylands maker/design*

    >hard to make my own player-made island 


    Can easily put/make/drag island to your main generated island 




    •can easily design and mold island to make it look nice.

    •shrink and enlarge 


    1. more options in putting items i the game. Shrink, expand and bend

    2. Mp in editor


    Fix Mp and Sp bugs 1st 

    Then slowly put suggestions to the game

    Cause the game is already awesome and I guess we can wait.


  3. All good as long you guys work with it

    ylands for relaxing (every important)

    dota2 give me cancer 

    pubg to...nothing really

    COD WWII to feel badass(campaign)

    oxygen no included is like my job

    and more

  4. Thats true but you can also check editor and start building and saving composition for future (it might remove the exploration mode purpose which is survival and gathering resources to build and survive but you have a save composition”blueprints pls”)

  5. Blueprints!!! Pls add blueprints ?pls
    > make something in editor
    > save composition 
    > set as a blueprint
    > play exploration 
    > go to crafting 
    > press blueprints 
    > check and collect resources needed 
    > build!!!!

    Ex. A dock
          A big beautiful house
          And more

    We dont need to go back to back to  exploration and editor multiple times to enjoy exploration if we have blueprints!!

    pls put it?

  6. No.2 New World

       Its a tough start for me in the island alone, i might have all the resources i need and blueprint to repair my protective barrier...i still dont know how to survive in the wilderness. All i can see are stones, grasses, some plants, sticks, some flint to make fire and fruits which is limited. I try to fish and hunt but only failed horribly. I didn’t check the whole island thanks to the “tree of life” or coconut tree which is limited also that forced me to find other ways to survive quickly.

       Everyday is a learning day for me, I already crafted a pickax, hammer even though i can use stone, a spear, an axe and a grass clothing to keep me warm at night. One day in the dark and about to sleep, i heard a growling wolf and ready to pounce me then bite my neck but luckily I quickly grabbed my spear and my torch to send him running. That time I decided to build a small house...a cabin!!

    Months have passed and i start hearing weird howling in the other side of the island that makes me worried every night. I already build all my stations like blacksmith, ect to build/craft the finest weaponry and body armor but without knowing whats in the other side...death is certain. 

       I dont know what im thinking that time when I decided to investigate the weird howls at night. Yes! I did it at night also and It might be the food that i eat that give me this courage? So I was slowly walking with a torch in my hand and a sword...its wild pig stew by the way! I just remember, anyways walking slowly then 5 wolves suddenly come out it the woods and start charging towards me so I charged towards them also. I stab one of the wolf then the weird howl start again that makes the other 4 wolves to run towards the sound which is in a cave.

    I follow the wolves in the cave and i can not believe what i saw...glowing eyes, different skin color and crystal around the body of an infected Wolf or mutated wolf due to the fact that wolf is not crazy like the YZombie back to the main land. The wolves eat the meat with a green looking crystal or stone that the mutated wolf drop then they become one of them real quick. After they fully mutated, they look at me and charged towards me again but more faster and more fierce. I ran as fast as i can but one of them catch up and bites my side, i swing my sword and cuts its head and do the same thing with the other wolves but failed. Overtime I killed another 2 wolves but the last one waited in the side for the right moment to strike. 

    Bleeding very bad and slightly losing control but I noticed a shining dust in a tentacle something plant in a shroom and eat it for some reason(i love food and its the last thing i will do). That food magically heal all my wounds and get back to finish the last wolves. I skinned and collected Ylandium dust and crystal from the wolves for future studies then formulate a plan to clear the cave.

    I followed the blood that the wolf that i stab earlier then I look around after i skinned the last wolf and get shock after discovering two pups...I killed the mother so i took care both of them for me to have pet...no a family.

    To be continued:

    Magic Blossoms grew up after the volcanic eruption!

  7. And take time. Maybe 5 mins or less?

    sailors clean and repair/do maintenance in bigger platform/ship to keep her floating in water

    Ex. Dewatering

    do sweeper


    and more 


    dont give up the ship
