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Everything posted by Doughber1

  1. Hello, How do you unlink account. I linked my account so i could get the extra coins that were being offered. After linking i did not get coins. As well i could not use my current name since it was already taken by my steam name. Now i have no extra coins and now have a different in game name. Please help on unlinking account so i can go back to my old name and use what ever my steam name is set for.
  2. Doughber1

    RESOLVED how to Unlink steam account

    Thank you. But yes i knew you can do that. Just i can't change my name back to original name because it says it's already used. Which is used by me. before linking account. And i would still have my original name if i did not do this stupid linking account thing for the extra coins they said you would get. Which i did not get. Now the user name i want to use can't be used anymore. unless i can unlink.