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About Xilicks_

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  1. A group of friends and I started playing a couple days ago and we've explored a decent amount of the game so far and we have a lot of feedback to provide that will hopefully be new. A lot of these bugs and glitches came from multiplayer. Some of these bugs may have been reported already however I'm just leaving a list of everything I've experienced sorry if there are repeats. -Also for all multiplayer related bugs I was the host and I have a higher...
  2. Xilicks_


    Yes we had maps however the maps were erasing for the people connected to the host whenever they would either die or relog. I was the host of this game and spent quite a while flying around in the editor seeing if he ended up on a nearby yland to move his character but it could not be found and isn't worth looking for the needle in the haystack. We're basically being forced to restart since there is no way for him to get back to the rest of our group. A...