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Everything posted by WijkagentAdrie

  1. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #15

    I also forgot to say I've had a very brief look at the new weather, which looked very impressive! Hats off for the massive difference in feeling it gives. I haven't checked for waves during storms, nor how they affect ships or whether we can actually be dry indoors during rain/snow. Adrie
  2. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #15

    Hey everyone! I'm back from my trip to Gamescom 2017 in Cologne! Last year my friends and I went on Friday/Saturday which was really busy, yet Wednesday this year seemed less busy First of all thanks to the Ylands team for taking care of me and my friends! We went home with some very nice merchandise, thanks a lot! But even more amazing was finally seeing the team and having a chat with you guys! I felt really appreciated and I hope I gave you guys the same feeling, I'm really happy with where Ylands is going. That being said, let's discuss the cars that I got to test! Car physics are very very very nice, I'm glad the team has delayed the update to make sure it's perfect. When driving a car you can feel the weight/physics behind it, the springs are quite flexible and soft. They take bumps well but if you make them too big it will get tricky. When cornering too fast you start to understeer, yet when tapping the handbrake or trying to drift it will oversteer in a controllable way. Cars will try to upright themselves, also you can climb some serious hills with them and not get stuck. Besides feeling quite "realistic like" the usability is absolutely huge. You don't need perfect roads or anything to use them. The only place where I felt physics reality and usability were conflicting is when jumping over objects such as fences, where usability has won. In reality the car would've gone out of control and flipped dozens of times (which it did sometimes as well ) Cars are very quick around islands with 2 steam engines (at the moment 2 steam engines or 1 ylandium engine give maximum power/speed), with 1 engine they still felt very usable. Although I would say that more power/speed is nice, the double fuel consumption is quite high. The engines use a rather large amount of fuel anyway, although I have been driving around like a maniac I think making hybrid (Ylandium+coal) cars would be nice, since in case you run out of Energy you can always go back to coal which is quite common to find. Are there any flaws to cars? I've tried to be mean and "break" the game which I partly succeeded in. Cars on ships didn't quite work well, and some sloped blocks have square collision models which made driving on them look funny, yet they would still drive onto them. Also the /unstuck when the car went into the water wasn't 100% reliable yet. On the other hand, I've been told that an improved car update which fixes a few of these problems was gonna be there tomorrow so to the people that are still to go to Gamescom, your experience will probably be even better! Like Ales already said, this isn't 100% what the update is gonna be like but it's already very awesome. @Hurricane43 I've snapped a quick video of me driving a car on the fun fair horse track. If the devs want me to take it down I will do this, just give me a nudge or manually delete the link from this message, the YT video is on private. @Aleš Ulm Thanks for the great hospitality! I'm sure I'll see my pictures appear somewhere If there's anything I can help you guys with just drop me a message. I hope you all (devs and visitors that are still to go) enjoy the rest of Gamescom! If anyone has got any questions feel free to drop them, I will answer as much as I can. Adrie
  3. WijkagentAdrie

    Working with Stone

    Heya! You can craft things from them at the stonemason stand! Tools you should use to make the stand and work stone at the stand are a iron chisel and some kind of hammer
  4. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #15

    Tough one, usually a size S but if they're rather small a M
  5. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #15

    /additem creator_cube That's the first thing I'm gonna check haha. Only if it's allowed ofcourse! Adrie
  6. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #15

    I can see if I can film with my phone if it's allowed? Anything specific you wanna see?
  7. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #15

    Woah those are some wild looking car parts, looking forward to having a peak at those at gamescom! Looking forward to trying cars as well Also, good thing is I've now got a holiday for a few weeks so I can spend quite some time starting up my server quite full time as soon as the patch is there! Adrie
  8. WijkagentAdrie

    DEV ANSWER [Bug] Dedicated Server Issues

    The crafting menu/recipe list is gonna get a big overhaul as well, should all be better. Nah it's got to do with your map I believe, it becomes glitched. I'm renting a dedicated server but decided to just shut off until next patch since it's not reliable. Just give the devs a few more weeks and the game is gonna be so much more enjoyable already Also I'm not 100% sure why you took some -rep, I agree that you sound kinda harsh/direct with your comments but they are all fair and true to be honest. Anyways I think we should all wait, within a few months this game is gonna be absolutely awesome Adrie
  9. WijkagentAdrie

    DEV ANSWER [Bug] Dedicated Server Issues

    I can only agree multiplayer is 1000 times more fun. Single player to me feels like just a "tech demo", which in all honestly feels like the current state of the game to me (which is absolutely nothing weird or to be ashamed off seeing it's early in early access). I believe the E3 has hyped a lot of people and maybe has raised expectations a little bit too high, however E3 is a yearly event so waiting one more year would've been to long. I also think that if you want to get a lot of sales, having a working MP will definitely sort that. Having a friend that already plays Ylands is a great way to roll into it. My attempts at baiting my friends have mainly failed due to not being able to get them on my server and show them the basics of the game. I still recommend the game to my friends all the time, but more for the huge potential it has, not for the great playability at the moment. Regarding the server issues, I believe next update we will get some much needed improvements, there will be a toggle for keeping players online (which does work good in games like rust for example) or simply have players despawn when offline. This would also make using keys on chests/doors a lot safer Adrie
  10. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #14

    Was hoping to see some other Ylanders, I'll probably be going the 23rd, if not the 24th Anyone else? Adrie
  11. WijkagentAdrie

    Where is the dedicated server config file?

    It's actually the map name that will become the server name. Devs are making it so you can change the mapnames and therefor change the servername
  12. WijkagentAdrie

    Aircraft suggestion topic

    And here's the larger twin engine I promised to make I've also made some windows which are quite like the oriental windows but then with glass It uses the standard car engine with the variable pitch props and also uses the large landing floats. The floats feel kinda small-ish to me so maybe it needs an additional size or maybe the 2nd tier needs to be bigger. The cabin isn't decorated yet, it needs seats and a wall between the cockpit and passenger cabin. Passenger cabin size for the flat bit (starting at the first round window) is 6x21x6, and then there's the additional bit in the tail which goes up twice for another 8 blocks in length. Anyway, here are the pictures: Thanks for having a look again! And any suggestions are welcome Adrie
  13. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #14

    Good to hear! I hadn't planned on going to gamescom but might give it a go if I finally get my holiday around those days to meet you guys Are most of you around on all days? Adrie
  14. WijkagentAdrie

    Aircraft suggestion topic

    Also something I forgot to mention is that we need weight for blocks to be able to balance things out, and a dedicated tool (some kind of wrench) which will show us center of mass, center of lift and center of thrust. The doors/window parts could be really useful for cars, just like all the slopes and other blocks in the other topic And if you want the sketchup files I could PM them to you ofcourse! Adrie
  15. WijkagentAdrie

    Aircraft suggestion topic

    Here's an airplane that's just a tiny bit bigger, the fuselage is 6 wide instead of 4 to have an enclosed cabin with a 4x12x5 footprint, and because i used slopes for the roof the center of the roof is actually 6 high. I think with the car seats you could place 2 front seats, of which 1 is the pilot's seat, 1 seat in the middle next to the door and have 2 back seats or a cargo crate. It's still built on the same small floats, but this time I've used the wheeled version. It's also running the same engine and prop but without fairing and without prop spinner. Will definitely make a twin or triple engined one this week with a 8 wide fuselage with center aisle to transport +- 12 people in I've also started creating cockpit window parts, I still need to make some kind of door model though. Let me know what you think! Adrie
  16. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #13

    Heh, so what I believed to be 1 new "cockpit" with 2 seats is actually 2 pieces then? Does it come with the sidewalls? And are there both left hand/right hand driving and passenger versions? Are there also versions which are symmetrical so you can sit in a tandem configuration? Very interesting stuff, thanks for sharing/answering! I'm currently modeling something vaguely similar in sketchup edit: or wait, are the seats 2x2 and is the steering wheel 1x2? Adrie
  17. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #13

    @Aleš Ulm I'm curious now, got a screenshot of that seat + steering wheel? And will there also be seats without steering wheel so I can take my friends on a ride? Adrie
  18. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #13

    @Aleš Ulm On the screenshot, what seat does the yellow car actually use?
  19. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #13

    Hey Ales, thanks for another update! I'm really happy getting new features right from the start instead of getting more "placeholders", which I feel has delayed DayZ development more than it should have. Regarding the ETA's: please continue giving rough ETA's. There is absolutely nothing wrong with revising ETA's every now and then, as it clearly is an ESTIMATE and is therefor only a rough guess Some lovely cars in the picture, compliments tho whoever has built the yellow one Also, does adding more engines make your car faster/consume double fuel? And is weight taken into account when building on the chassis? I've been working on some more sketchups for a nice suggestion I'm about to make, hope to get enough done to show it to you guys this weekend.
  20. WijkagentAdrie

    Roman era shop

    Completely missed this post but this is great, definitely in my top 10 favorite builds so far! I really love the size and details
  21. WijkagentAdrie

    LOD/Render distance problems

    I've found a new weird LOD problem today: The lowest LOD model for the large window is the smallest window. This looks rather weird at a distance:
  22. WijkagentAdrie

    Adrie's Shipyard

    Hey all! With the new car update coming, I've decided to build a car ferry on my modular boat platform idea, called the Komarovo As soon as I find out how to upload it on Ylands.net it will be there! The design features a split level cabin as on my previous modular boat. This one will be powered, there will be a coal engine under the steering cabin. On the front is a car deck that should house at least 4 cars, considering they look to be 8 blocks wide. On the back of the ship is a closed cabin with a fairly simple sitting area, with access to a small "balcony" on the back. On top of this is a larger open deck on which people can enjoy the nice views when the weather is good. First some exterior shots now! Now for the loading ramp. It uses 2 doors mounted on the side, so people can drive on and off the ship. The ramps are completely flush with the pier and should prevent any cars from falling off in rough seas! Now for the engine bay. Currently there is a Ylandium generator there to switch on the lights, but this will be replaced by a coal engine ASAP Next up is the small passenger cabin. The decoration and Energy wiring isn't finished, they will as soon as I can place the new engine All interior shots are at 75 FOV, exterior shots at the normal 65 FOV Back outside is the stairs to the top deck, halfway on the stairs is the door to the steering cabin which has amazing 360 degree vision. As always thanks for watching this and giving your comments! Adrie
  23. WijkagentAdrie

    Sneak Peek #35

    I feel quite the opposite, for me it's usually the little stuff filling my inventory, a few plants, tools, some food, some flint, some wood for fire etc. When those slots become available due to plant pouches and toolbelts 20 per stack should be more than enough, as you will be able to carry far more than now due to having more slots ofcourse
  24. WijkagentAdrie

    Sneak Peek #35

    There are already treasures, sunken ships, and sea structures. I definitely agree on #5, especially a way to salvage ships would be nice. For Ales: Can we also place the engines in houses to function as power generators that run on wood instead of ylandium? Also, I've made a quick sketchup with all the blocks that would be useful: Maybe 1x3, 1,4 or rounded versions would be nice, but the ones I've drawn (some are already in the game) gives us a full set to build nearly everything with. Also, could we have some smaller/different car lights that we can place on our creative built cars, including maybe some sort of doors and different types of seats/steering wheels? Adrie
  25. WijkagentAdrie

    Dev Diary #12

    Although I do agree that Arlie's post comes over a bit aggressive, I do see exactly where he is coming from and feel quite the same. I feel kinda sad and disappointed (I guess that's where Arlie's response comes from as well) when I read/hear about the Coyns system and it's implications, stuff like this has gone wrong for me before. Buying stuff that isn't worth my money, people reselling things I've spent countless hours on for less money, scammers everywhere. In a more serious/diehard MMO game I think it's inevitable, but Ylands looks so innocent and fun to me that I think those implications are unwanted for this game. I'm very happy you are trying to open this to discussion, and answer as much as you can and release a FAQ, yet the answers aren't taking away my fears for this concept failing. Every "solution" gives 2 new ways for abusing the system, or simply doesn't solve the concern/problem for me. If you need to monetize visual content I think just selling the items for Coyns and not give us the option to trade Coyns and pay for player made content would be better, it's the free market and what people do for just a few cents that bothers me. Regarding the free market: How is this gonna be regulated? What if people promote stuff in certain ways and their products are not as good as they claim they are? What if they indeed break? What if they resell my stuff for less money/copy it? I know nothing is cast in stone yet but I see no possible easy way of facilitating the Coyns system in a way it won't destroy the fun/community. It will become a place where everyone is after other players money. I get on average 2/3 friend invites/scam attempts per day on Steam for people after my counter strike skins. I know they are there to scam me but will kids know as well? Also, on my earlier question: By disabling/enabling certain boats/armors I only meant the updated visual content. Players having the premium armor would see their premium armors, players without wouldn't. This way visual content can be sold in DLC's. Thanks for reading and doing it this way, I'm sure it can't be much fun getting this much harsh feedback. Please don't take anything personal, I believe every person posting in this topic, including me, only wishes the best for Ylands. Adrie