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Posts posted by Soondead-27d3f9fbcbfb78c3

  1. This is dirt, and I've flattened quite a lot of terrain so I know how it's supposed to work. Using the pick and careful placing of dirt, I've even adjusted the problem areas so it's either juuust above or below the appropriate level so we're talking about centimeter adjustments (if that makes any sense)

    Still nothing.

    I too have seen this before and the next day the problem vanished, but in my mind that just goes to prove that there's SOMETHING wrong here and the devs will probably want to look into it. If we get our way, the shovel tool will be improved to deal with verticals and slopes, maybe they should look into this problem as well while they're touching that code. Or the new and improved shovel might just inherit this nasty bug and bury it even deeper :-)


  2. This has happened to me several times while playing with a DS: As I try to flatten an area, there are some patches that the shovel simply seems to ignore. I can relog, switch tools, use the pickaxe or some dirt to slightly alter the terrain, then try again over and over and over again but certain terrain nodes just won't flatten no matter what I do. I keep trying from different angles, first/third person perspective, walk away and back again. Nothing helps. The shovel is in pristine condition, I get the "swoosh" sound and the animation... and the terrain STILL doesn't budge. Quite frustrating.

  3. Constantly falling off while trying to build is a nuisance, but exactly how are the building mechanics "pretty broken" in your opinion? I find it quite easy to put things together actually. Get two blocks placed next to eachother (which can be a little tricky given the obvious problem that you're trying to manipulate objects in 3D through a 2D interface...) and the game "learns" where you want the next ones to go. So the problem is really just the two first blocks in any series, isn't it? If blocks were a little easier to distinguish in the crafting interface, I'd say this is as simple as it gets.

    It's not Minecraft, but Minecraft never had to deal with odd shapes and by imaginary friend I've misplaced a few blocks in Minecraft too over the years.

  4. 11 minutes ago, handofthesly said:

    This is a game and it is for the individual player to decide how they want to play. Game developers will always have a hard time catering for every kind of player because we are all different and have differing opinions.

    I think we agree a lot more than we disagree, and that the world would be a lot better if we could confine a great number of practices to computer games rather than applying them in real life. Such as killing for amusement :-)

    • Upvote 2

  5. 32 minutes ago, handofthesly said:

    Palm oil is only really bad because of the deforestation humans are causing to create massive plantations of palm trees and in effect are destroying animals habitats.

    Do you really believe this? The fact is that this argument applies to almost any type of cultivated crop, be it wheat, corn, cotton, bananas or pretty much everything else we grow for mass consumption and profit; ecosystems are replaced with endless fields of whatever happens to be in demand. Like christmas trees. Did you know that palm oil is considered the most efficient crop in terms of bio-energy per acre and was at one point considered the most logical way to get the world economy off of fossil fuels? Isn't it funny how the people's opinion suddenly shifted in the disfavor of just that single crop and changed the trade balance between Malaysia and US/Europe? Facts can be quite interesting.

    Meanwhile, hunting whales is considered outrageous because whales are passive and there used to be a lot more of them. Truth is, the same goes for all other types of fish, like cod, pollock and herring doesn't it but who gives a flying duck about those? Well, those are morally acceptable sources of food aren't they. Like cats and dogs in some Asian countries. Meanwhile, nobody really cares that we kill wolves in Ylands, although they are considered a critically endangered species in real life. But they're bad, obviously. One of them tried to eat the three little pigs.


  6. 1 hour ago, kimbuck said:

    Don't forget the  minority groups    ... and the  skin color of the avatars.  Also  religious symbols  - all must be included so  not as to "offend" others.... and also ban the crafting of  guns..:P

    And there are only two genders to choose from. Oh, the humanity.

    48 minutes ago, Seathre said:


    Did you make this thread as a serious suggestion, or just from frustration over some of the responses from the thread you've linked to? I think there is certainly room for discussion on a mode or setting that makes the game more kid friendly, and by all means, let it be discussed if there is an interest in it. If, however, you just made this thread to be divisive and cause tension within the Ylands community, I suggest you revisit the Community Guidelines. While I understand your point of view on the matter, I find your method of expression to be in poor taste. Please keep discussion civil and constructive.

    This is a game about surviving and there's a recurring pirate theme, complete with swords, guns, wild animals, cannons and player killing. Maybe it's worth mentioning that pirates are criminals that roam the seas looking for victims to plunder and kill? Whatever, nobody bats an eye.

    Mention whales and people lose their minds, bringing up plastic bottles and oil spills(!) since this is obviously quite a slippery slope. Incidently, I live in one of two countries in the world where whaling still occurs, albeit on a microscopic scale compared to what was historically the case.

    This therefore offends me, which by internet practice gives me the right and privilege to go off in a completely random direction as long as I use proper grammar and avoid using the F word.

    What about baby seals that we can club in the head and skin for white little furs to line the seats in our racing cars? The cars are ofcourse electric and therefore completely harmless to the environment.

    • Downvote 2

  7. The comments in this thread made it obvious to me that Ylands needs a Politically Correct mode where both PvP and PvE is abolished. There can be no harming of trees, flowers, grass or anything else in the simulated environment. Animals must all be blessed with speech and Disney-like emotions so they can live in harmony and never actually need to eat. Fauna should never wither and the weather must be careful not to hurt anyone's feelings. Gameplay should be restricted to making emotes that express love and compassion for all things.

    Run this mode on one or two official servers for the treehuggers, then implement all the cool and crazy stuff so the rest of us can go have fun with A COMPUTER GAME.


    • Downvote 2

  8. I have just dug a trench about 10 blocks wide, straight from the coast, at sea level, towards the center of the island and in the process extracted somewhere around 25k of dirt. And less than 20 stone chunks and marble combined. Dirt seems to be the "filler" material of the Ylands terrain, an idea that doesn't really ring true with me. I don't know too much about the geology of other parts of the world but I imagine where I live can't be the only place in the world where, if you start digging like this, you'll hit rock within a reasonable amount of time? Also, given the fact that in Ylands clay is the first material you really must find, maybe you should consider spawning random clay pieces like you already spawn horse shoes, cannon balls, old shoes and other "random" sources of useful crafting materials for those who can't seem to get them any other way? More veins in general please, and more variety of stuff to find when grinding the earth.


  9. I've recently started experimenting with the paintgun but so far it's been a daunting experience, mostly because painting even a tiny 1x1 block consumes  a ridiculous amount of pigment. Painting a whole building is even more tedious than gathering the materials to build it, which is probably the reason why I have yet to see anyone actually bother with the paintgun on any of the servers I've visited so far. The game is almost unique in that it supports unlimited colors, yet everything remains boring grey, boring brown and sickly green.

    My suggestion is simple: Scale back the pigment consumption significantly, especially when painting tiny blocks.

  10. On 11.1.2018 at 12:56 AM, 6Cowa6Bunga6 said:

    I can into this post expecting to read about some idiot but only found someone telling me what to do.

    I call False Advert on title!!!

    Dont tell me what to do

    Well, tbf he did warn you he's an idiot :-P

    • Haha 1

  11. I like the idea of interconnecting servers, but there would probably be quite a few practical and technical hurdles. For instance, how to deal with full servers, keys (ids would have to be unique across servers), maps (where to store, what to show), kicks/bans... If you allow vehicles and items as well, what if you take your mobile base with all your resources and it's lost to some technical issue. What server admin do you contact and who's to say you didn't just hide or sell those resources on a connected server somewhere? The problems are as mind-boggling as the possibilities.

    This is not to say it's impossible, and I would even think this could be an awesome way to solve the problem of finite resources but... it's a huge problem domain.

  12. Those of us with kids (or other things that require random attention) will then usually find our character dead from starvation in a pile of fish...

    Right in the middle of a cave, navigating at sea, approaching a panther... there are so many moments in a game where you just can't leave it running to find your kids, call 911, answer the door or give testimonies.

    Oh, never mind why. Just have "P" pause the game, simple as that.

  13. OP also failed to mention ion cannons and bullet time ;-)

    I think maybe for now the devs need to stay focused on core gameplay and then let the modders take care of some of the more peripheral stuff?

    Things like ragdoll physics rarely, if ever, improves the actual gameplay so I honestly hope they don't waste time on that.

  14. When building a base or even a ship with a few doors, chests or cabinets, the number of keys needed quickly becomes difficult to manage if you want to share access with a few other players. 

    If it was possible to assign the same key to multiple doors/chests/cabinets it would make a little more sense and reduce the total number of keys needed. Being more powerful than the current blank key, perhaps this could be made possible with a separate "Master key" that would require the locksmith bench + a "blank key" to craft?

    I also very much prefer Rust's mechanic where it's enough to simply carry the key if you used it once to unlock that lock. You can then open/close that locked door without having to explicitly fiddle with the keychain to get the key, open, go through, close and lock it again manually.

    While Ylands' current way is great for roleplay, it can get quite tedious :-)

    • Upvote 1