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Everything posted by AFriendlyNomad

  1. Hey there. Hope everyone is doing great. I was recently invited to play on a friends dedicated server. At first I had no issues. Since, I haven't been able to join. I click to join and after a few moments get an "unable to establish connection". My friend has been playing on the server sometimes when I try and sometimes not as well. I have tried to see if it happens on any other servers as well. I haven't found another that I can't join. Curious if there is a fix for this. Thank you kindly in advance for any help. afriendlynomad@gmail.com
  2. AFriendlyNomad

    RESOLVED [YLD-14427] Unable to establish connection

    Update. I was able to join again today. I logged in and was able to repeat again. Not sure if you did something or not but thank you, and I will let you know if something changes thanks again.
  3. AFriendlyNomad

    RESOLVED [YLD-14427] Unable to establish connection

    Thank you for your help. Please let me know if this helped. Have a happy, Cheerz output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt