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Everything posted by blancket

  1. Hello everyone I am currently learning how to use the editor mode. I wonder if there was an option to enlarge or shrink an object? A for exemple to enlarge a mushroom to make a giant mushroom. Thank you.
  2. blancket

    My first creations

    This game is just awesome! The possibilities are enormous! :D
  3. blancket

    0.20: Playful Presents (20/12/2016)

    "--translator" parameter? Sorry I do not understand how it works. Good job for the new uptdate! I'm fan!
  4. blancket

    Question about editor mode

    Oh yes! Sorry! I have a request for improvement. Would it be possible for a future update, to be able to reduce even smaller than 1M5 the size of the painting option? For I will sometimes go in detail level decoration but I am quickly annoying because 1m5 is sometimes too big. Moving the minimum to 0.5 would be really good. Thank you
  5. blancket

    Question about editor mode

    Thank you for your prompt response. And it is superb news this addition for the 0.21. Thank you very much! Otherwise, the game is already very god as it is. But just a question: I do not know if it is me who does not find this option, of if it is an addition for the sequel, but how to put a new spawn point in editor mode? I would like to create a map with floating islands but I do not find how to start a game directly on these floating islands.
  6. blancket


    Here are some pictures of my manor in creation. I have already begun the building, the botanical garden, and the mobilization of the first floor. I got inspired from RPG like Skyrim and The Witcher 3.
  7. blancket


    Thanks MichalMynar But I think as the game gets better know, you'Il see a lot better builder arrive!
  8. blancket


    I will say 3 hours for the whole, garden, manor and furniture.
  9. blancket

    My floating ship

    It made me think too much about a Final Fantasy. Especially Final Fantasy 9. Too beautiful in any case!
  10. blancket

    My first creations

    Thank you very much! That makes me very happy. I continue to post my creations as soon as I have finished one that I like. Merci aussi Black Marx
  11. Je vais visualiser tout se que tu as déjà traduit et j'apporterai ma petite touche personnel si besoin
  12. Oui j'y ai bien accès. Mais impossible de les voir en jeu. Je viens de recevoir un message d'Ane qui précise que la traduction en jeu n'est pas visible pour le moment car la langue n'est pas encore activer. Mais que d'ici peu de temps ça arrivera. Tu as déjà tester la trad Française en jeu toi?
  13. Quant j'arriverai à faire fonctionner les premières traduction faite déjà... J'ai tout stocker dans document/Ylands/localization... mais rien ne change... arf. Bien le bonjour en tout cas J'espère pouvoir t'aider du mieux possible.
  14. Pouvez vous mettre un lien direct vers le project Ylands sur le site crawdin car je ne le trouve pas. Merci