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mid endian

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Posts posted by mid endian

  1. Quick suggestion? If you need to test things like this, ask for volunteers and set up a server yourself to do this test. chasing away new players from the game because they bumped into one of your, test servers, on a public server, is also chasing away future players from the game And causing the developers more money at the same time.

    • Upvote 2

  2. For dedicated servers, the creator cube is the only way to repopulate extinct creatures and replenish ore supplies on starting islands. That's a multiplayer issue of course, but youtube streamers on a dedicated server can't comfy l control the host of those places unless they are the host. 

    As for youtube comments, trolls exist on any social medium. Getting accused of cheating can be done on any game, and the reasons stated are legion. 

    Perhaps a new game mode can be introduced with a focus on hardcore rules, and inability to use editor on that save. I doubt it would silence accusations of cheating, short of a livestream session from start to finish.

  3. There isn't a source for oil in the game yet. Whales could provide that. 


    But for a more pacifist style of play, I would like to see wildlife interact with each other, Including sea life. 


    There are accounts of dolphins protecting people from sharks. I can see this being added to the game. Personally I favor not killing animals but interacting with them in other ways. 

  4.  Hello and it looks like I'm another person from Washington. I've been playing this game since he got released on Steam, and have already try my hand at a dedicated hosting.

    I seem to have gotten the basics down since I'm a bit familiar with command line utilities, and wouldn't mind hosting a server for the area password it or not. I currently have A New Frontier up and going. It's been a lot of fun, headache, and I keep learning more about the game.

    Two others in Washington, I'm curious if you prefer rainforest biomes because you're sick of the weather we have, or prefer temperate because, who cares for palm trees. Aside from resources of course.?

  5. The nodes and energy gates also consume a point of energy as well. Once you're able to build generators, they'll provide multiple connect points so you don't need splitters immediately. 
