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Posts posted by Excelsior

  1. I am posting this here, read why.


    After running a server locally for 3 weeks, the charging station started to act like it was on all the time. This was true with no power hooked up, and was rendered non-operable because of this. You could place a new one and the power would immediately be supplied without a link and the panel would rise. As soon as power was hooked up, the panel stopped rising but the noise remained.

    After about a week of this and constant host disconnect issues, I decided to just pull the savegame and move it to the local saves and run from there to prevent host disconnects. Low and behold, placing a charging station works great as expected.

    As of now, I would assume that this is related only to the dedicated server somehow.

  2. Look for server named ! Twitch.tv/excelsiorddz PVE Server [CHICAGO][24/7].

    It is setup as Explore with 10 ylands and will go through a regeneration on Feb 5. I CAN back up buildings that you have built and move them to the new generation if we make plans before the reset. Server files will be backed up regularly as well.

    Please feel free to come in and have some fun!

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  3. OK. I start a new game and spawn in. A few days later, I have someone join me. But instead of them spawning in the same exact spot that I spawned in at, it COULD be at that spot or another starting spot on another yland. This will allow the opportunity for players to build and explore with discovery of others when they find each other.
