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Everything posted by TheWildCat1982

  1. TheWildCat1982

    RESOLVED Login name changed

    Hi, So i launched the game and looked the pop-up message which said to linke my account with bohemia to get extra coyns. I linked my steam account with the bohemia one just to find out later that the coyn deal was only for those bought the game befor steam launch, ok no problem i went to unlink my account and started the game again just to find out that now my account name got a very long line with numbers on it added. Would you guy please help me i like my normal account name being displayed not that strange number thing. i already uninstalled the game twice with all the files but still same problem.
  2. TheWildCat1982

    RESOLVED Login name changed

    Well, it does not really helped me at all. Now i got like to more accounts with number names and all i want is to get back using just my steam name like ist was befor i linked steam with bohemia account. When i try to change my nickname to my original one it says its already in use so some where will be my original account. I mean i payed good money for ya game so please help me to get back my steam name ingame (WildCat-1982). i only made two accounts 1. with email: wildcat-bohemia@outlook.com 2. with email: wildcat-ylands@outlook.com