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Everything posted by tOmE00003

  1. please help me , today i am buy this game , ylands. But when i start this game . window with message the game crashed . please help me , i buy this game , but this game not work for me ://// thank you for speed help :))))) error.log output_log.txt
  2. tOmE00003

    DEV ANSWER the game crash

    i have directX 12 is problem?
  3. tOmE00003

    DEV ANSWER the game crash

    sorry , i am new . DxDiag.txt
  4. tOmE00003

    DEV ANSWER the game crash

    you mean this? error.log output_log.txt
  5. tOmE00003

    DEV ANSWER the game crash

    yes crashed every time launch. Erorr message is : Oops! The game crashed. The crash report folder named 2017-12-27_084544 next to game executable.it would be great if you d sendit to the developer of the game ! . this message show all laungs