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Everything posted by Grendal

  1. Grendal

    Sneak Peek #55

    You left out one group... those who try it out to see if it is a keeper and they don't play it again until it is released (or close to it) so as not to get bored and lessen the experience.
  2. Grendal

    Dev Diary #31

    The way I read it: if Ylands decides it is an MP game and the game ends, it backs the world up to the cloud under the space allotted to the originator of the game and it would also show in any player of the sessions previous plays list. If any of the players choose this previous play then it loads the latest version from the cloud and play resumes. Thus, if either Peter or Jane play the next morning when they quit the cloud would be updated with their changes and if Tom played it that afternoon when he chooses the game from his list it will grab the cloud save version that Peter and Jane or either-or had last uploaded when they last played. Then if that evening the three are playing an are joined by Allen he will now be included in the last played cloud save chain... Seem like an awesome solution to non-dedicated server play... except for my question: 1. What happens if Tom, Peter, or Jane decide to play while one of the others is currently playing and before Ylands saves out a new version to the cloud (since as stated it only does so at the end of the session)? If a person tries to join a past session does it check to see if that session is currently in use and load them that version instead of the old one?
  3. Another trick is to drag the icon of the item you wish to create from the crafting menu into a hotbar slot, then select it using the associated hotkey, then press V key. This will allow you to place most problematic large craftables where ever you like, I have found.