Just pasting this code from my dedicated server in case it helps fix an issue with the cannon not firing and the fuse continuously lit
[EX]U [00:00:15.28] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ylands.WuCannonFire.Fire (ylands.StateCannonFuseLit litCannon)
ylands.StateCannonFuseLit.<FireCannon>m__0 (System.Object data)
Callback.Invoke ()
ylands.WorldTimer._CompleteTransientTimers ()
ylands.WorldSimulation.Simulate (ylands.WorldData World)
ylands.UpdateLoop.Update ()
[EX]U [00:00:16.27] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ylands.WuCannonFire.Fire (ylands.StateCannonFuseLit litCannon)
ylands.StateCannonFuseLit.<FireCannon>m__0 (System.Object data)
Callback.Invoke ()
ylands.WorldTimer._CompleteTransientTimers ()
ylands.WorldSimulation.Simulate (ylands.WorldData World)
ylands.UpdateLoop.Update ()