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Everything posted by CHYPE

  1. CHYPE

    How to craft ...

    Hi guys, I would like to ask if there is a way how to currently craft: 1) flags like on the enclosed picture 2) an armchair 3) iron shackles
  2. CHYPE

    How to craft ...

    You are probably right @bb cakes. Afterall I think they all are a Creator Cube thing... The shackles: @TheSparkPlug I have seen them just on a screenshot, but I will check the golem as well.
  3. CHYPE

    How to craft ...

    Thanks for your reply @bb cakes, of course I went through wiki before I posted this question. I googled as well, but I haven't found much on these items. I quess some of them might be avaiable just in the editor, according to other posts from the beginning of this year. But if there is a way how to actually craft them already and I am missing something, I would appreciate any advice...
  4. Hi @Tweaker44, I hope it is not dead... Do you suggest that the same problem is happening with another new game you have started again? I am reading through this and similar topics every day, waiting for the fix too...
  5. Hi @indy@civ.zcu.cz! I já jsem návod poměrně dlouho hledal a nenašel. Pravda, hraju na dost starý mašině a větráky v ní při téhle hře vymetly všechny pavučiny. Zdá se ale, že tenhle problém řeší i řada lidí s lepším vybavením, takže to asi nebude hlavní obtíž. Vše šlo docela hladce (singleplayer), začínal jsem několikrát - zpočátku jsem se vždycky spawnul mezi nějakou havěť a nahatej nepřežil moc dlouho. Na poslední rozehrané hře jsem strávil počítám okolo 100fky hodin, stavba první základny a hlavně lodi zabrala moře (doslova) času. A objevitelská plavba na vyšperkovaný lodi byla fakt návyková, jako celá tahle hra. A někde na moři se to po sejvu šprajclo... Dlouho mě žádná gameska tak nechytla - potvrzuji, že i v tomto stádiu je super. Od té doby, co to kleklo, ale zatím nehraju. Hru se mi podařilo otevřít v editoru, základnu jsem našel, loď je někde neznámo kde na moři. Doufám, že s novým updatem se to vyřeší, ale ten počítám bude nejdřív v únoru... žádné jiné (natož dobré) zprávy zatím nemám, i když vývojáři na tomhle problému určitě tvrdě makaj - po pročtení fóra chápu, že toho maj hodně a asi to bude ještě chvíli trvat... takže (si) přeju především trpělivost a brzy zas snad "yLand ahoy!" Prvně jsem o mém "stuck at loading" trablu psal anglicky a vyplašeně před týdnem zde:
  6. Here are my files, I have added the crash report as well. Thanks for helping us... YLANDS_problem_CHYPE.zip
  7. Thanks @Ane, I will look for the files and attach them as soon as I get to my computer.
  8. CHYPE

    Game stuck on loading screen

    Hi! For me it is hapenning in singleplayer... I get stuck at "Recalling buildings 96%", as I wrote in my other posts. I tried it several times. Before this problem occured, I quitted the game regularly (I was somewhere on the sea on my ship) but at the end of saving process a crush report appeared. Yesterday I managed to open the gamesave in the Editor, but cannot load the savegame to be played.
  9. Really nobody has an idea how to solve it? I can open the file in the editor, but I am not able to load it for actual playing - still gets stuck at 96%...
  10. Same with my game, as I wrote to another similar post: Yesterday I quitted the game regularly but at the end a crash report appeared. Today I tried to load the file, but the loading process gets stuck at "Recalling Buildings - 96%".
  11. Hi, same here. Yesterday I quitted the game regularly but at the end a crash report appeared. Today I tried to load the file, but the loading process gets stuck at "Recalling Buildings - 96%". Does anyone have a solution how to recover the file and not to loose (real) days of work in this game? Other save files work. Just building the ship took ages...