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  1. Krzymuffin

    Dev Diary #26

    sorry, sorry. me again. Was there any intentions to add more of the creative items to explore? (such as the present boxes and otherwise unavailable assets).
  2. Krzymuffin

    Dev Diary #26

    I'm back again with another suggestion. (I apologize, I tend to forget ideas until they come up again, or think of them after posting haha). This time, a snap-to-grid mode for placing crafting stations, furniture, etc. This is not a replacement for free place, as that is still very useful and works well. Instead, this would be a secondary mode that snaps the pieces with the grid. I had a painful time getting my blacksmith station JUST right, into a corner. This would also be helpful when building the crafting stations BEFORE building around them. Plenty of times, I've placed objects off by a hair, and had to either dismantle them, or alter the build. Edit: additional bed variations. double beds, sleigh beds, etc (fancier beds). they could use hay/feathers for a mattress, in addition to the regular materials
  3. Krzymuffin

    Dev Diary #26

    I forgot one of my biggest ideas! I would LOVE a blueprint system for compositions saved in the editor. I FINALLY came up with a ship design I like. I could very well just build it again in every new save, or I could import the composition from the editor. Saving it as a composition is great, but I don't want to drop in a "free" ship. Having the blueprint could be a ghost image of the build, and you have to add the resources to it, or have them on hand to build it.
  4. Krzymuffin

    Dev Diary #26

    I have a few suggestions/ideas. Some might be outside the limitations of the game, but just some thoughts I had while playing: -power tool versions of axe/saw and hammer (similar to mining drill) -propeller pack tweaks (seems a tad OP to only have condition and not require fuel, folding up when not in use, different key to disable) -half blocks (they would need to take up the full block size-wise, but having just a slight height would be nice for decorative touches, like lining paths) -larger doors/gates (double doors, 2-story height doors, etc) -holding down the mouse to continuously pick up items (vs clicking for each one) -animal husbandry/ability to interact with the other animals (could be irrelevant depending on how pets are going to be implemented) -horse carts or saddle bags -offroad vehicles (as it stands, cars don't seem to be overly viable in Explore without clearing objects out of the way, could just an alternative to horses) -collection/placement of water (I know this one could be VERY tricky, but just an idea for an ability to create ponds) -more electricity items (light sensor, rotating light [for lighthouses]) -tree taps (for rubber/resin- could be a slow way to collect resources without cutting down trees) -crafting stats/clarity (being able to know the size of the block/how many are crafted BEFORE being crafted. stairs for example, I had no idea crafted in 5s, and MANY times I've made the M sized blocks instead of small) <- I'm assuming this was touched on in the crafting/inventory UI portion -some sort of despawn timer (having items laying all about around the world is taxing on performance) Again, just some ideas. I know most of them are kind of out there, and definitely not necessary. My biggest gripes seem to be covered already, so keep up the good work!