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Frumuselu Codrin

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About Frumuselu Codrin

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  1. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #45

    I see a lot of people complains that the game doesn t runs smooth.I start to believe that all of you who thinks that the game runs very good, are a fan of this game and are so ,,blind'' to accept that issue.I ran between the trees and the 2 minutes where more than enough for me to see that the game runs same like one year ago.I don t think I have problems with my fiber, couse all the games played on multiplayer works very good.I download things from...
  2. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #45

    #Indomitus ….what I write and what you understand..I think you are in another movie man...I wrote somewhere that I want to play this game only when is over 100 fps ??Show me where ..I ve installed the game yesterday and deleted after 2 minutes because of the same problems.The game doesn t runs smoth and this bothers me..btw I have 0 hours of cs but almost 4k at Ark..
  3. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #45

    my pc is bad ? the internet is optic fibre..
  4. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #45

    bojo2736 if you aceept to play the game on frame drops,this is your problem.Believe me when you play on 100 fps and then jumps to 25 fps and again and again ,the difference is to big between frames and makes the game to have a lot of little ,,lags''..In my opinion,this make the game and any game not to be played.All I want from the producers of this game is a constant/stabil 60 fps and after that I will have double of your hours of ply..sorry for my poor...
  5. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #45

    I bought this game 1 year ago ,I can t wait to play it
  6. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #45

    You add and add more and more stuff, but the game still works like ****..Sometimes I have 40fps ,sometimes 100+fpsHow about working at that thing ??Make the game work smoth.my pc( gtx 1070,6700k,16gb,ssd)
  7. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #36

    Whats bad about 30FPS?!?!?! In these days there are players who enjoy plaing in 30 fps ?!?! Man ..we are in the year '18 not '72 ..I would love a little optimization instead of adding objects updates...#Apokh write me in private ,I can give you and address of club 60+,where everybody listen Abba band and enjoy playin' tetris games..
  8. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #36

    I bought the game mounths ago and still works like s**T.In some parts of the island I have 30 fps ,in others 100+.is unplayble.COME ON GUYS...DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.==I have 6700k,gtx 1070 ,ssd ,16 gb===
  9. Frumuselu Codrin

    Dev Diary #26

    Pls make the game to work better.sometimes i have 25 fps and sometimes 120 fps.i have i7 6700k ,gtx 1070 ,16 gb ,ssd and the game is unplayble..the differents of fps is to big..sorry for my english,hope you understand..