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Everything posted by gordonhui

  1. gordonhui

    combine harvester

    Farming is so time consuming. Hope technology can help us.
  2. gordonhui

    combine harvester

    I spend ten minutes harvesting flex. It drives me crazy when I am building 3 large masts.
  3. gordonhui

    Ylandium pack recharge

    How can I recharge the ylandium powered pack? I can't recharge it by turning on the charging station. Did I just waste my ylandium powered pack?
  4. gordonhui

    Ylandium pack recharge

    But you will get nothing if you dismantle the power pack
  5. gordonhui

    Energy link

    Can we hide those energy links? It is very annoying when u have lots of electricity devices. Just show those links when you are holding the energy linker will be fine.
  6. gordonhui


    Can you increase the brightness and range for the spotlight light beam? I can barely see it.