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Posts posted by Maqqea

  1. I think it would be a nice if the chests could be named by the player and when the player hoover with the mouse over the chest the name will show up. That way, if a player is anything like me and forget what I put in wish chest, the name of the chest (like stone, marble, tools, food, raw food, clothes, misc ) tell what is in them.

    Alternative is to show a list of the items in the chest but that will take up more space and can be clumsier/slower.

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  2. I made a trimaran in the editor. When I placed the ship ingame most parts of the ship turned out white. I went back to the buildingspace I made for the editor and recolored it. (I did not take a picture of the ship at that time because I thougt I made something wrong. It was my first try making something in the editor.)
    Second time I placed the ship ingame, after recoloring it, some parts where still white as seen on the picture below. I recolored the white parts again but this time in the ingame part of the editor and now the colors stay as they are suposed to be.

    Also one side of the trimarans new parts did not attatch properly. It's the part closest, where I marked each separate item, that did not attatch to the ship. The part on the other side looks thesame and there it works good. I solved it by making a katamaran out of my intended trimaran.


  3. Thank you, YadNiMonde, for the istruction. It was easy to follow.

    Somehow, somwhere, something went wrog tho. Some parts of the ship I made turned out white when I placed it ingame and one side of the ships new parts did not attatch properly. I guess it it a bug so I will post below picture in that thread also. I just wanted to place it here too and tell about my problems if someone desides to try and build a trimaran and look here.

    It's the part closest where I marked each separate item that doesen't attatch to the ship properly. The part on the other side looks thesame and there it works good.


