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About UniteTheClans

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  1. UniteTheClans

    Stuck on the Land Ahoy screen!

    I did have a controller plugged in.. I never considered that! Thank you Adam, that's the fix I needed.
  2. UniteTheClans

    Stuck on the Land Ahoy screen!

    I seem to have two choices, a temperate cluster and a tropical cluster, but either one I pick I get a confirm button that won't lead me anywhere. I haven't had a choice of one of the individual islands yet.
  3. Hi geeks. I haven't played in a year or more and I was excited to log in and try out the new updates. I load up the game, choose Exploration (Experimental). I click on an Yland chain (I've tried Temperate and Tropical) and go to start a game. The LAND AHOY! box pops up and I click CONFIRM on a silly name but nothing happens at all! I've tried validating files, reinstalling the game, changing the name of my save to something unique, deleting my character and game data, but nothing works. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  4. UniteTheClans

    Trouble keeping a save on a game server!

    Hey guys, I have a giant community of my youtube viewers in Discord and one of the folks I trust as an admin for my Ark server network has been working up a solution. I am too dumb to explain it all and could never have figured it out on my own, but our server resets were tied to updating the server. The default setting on a restart was to overwrite the save with a blank save. Dusty from the geeks Discord has written up a script to create backups and save us from dealing with this again--not sure if they will let me share a link, but this is how you would join our discord https://discord.gg/HbrRS2C! If the link doesn't work I am UniteTheClans on youtube and any video description will have a link. I cannot promise our solution will work Avantica, but if the root cause is the same we may be able to help! Hop into discord and say hi to me (UniteTheClans there too) or to Dusty P!
  5. UniteTheClans

    Trouble keeping a save on a game server!

    Hey Avantica, I am dealing with a similar issue. Earlier this week we lost all our progress. The save game was unavailable to rejoin but the server was available through search. I joined through search and our server had been wiped causing us to start fresh. This morning that has seemingly happened again. I am a content creator attempting to do a youtube series (a la Keralis) from this server, so the loss of progress is frustrating. This is a server for my Patreon community, so it is not just me being affected, I have a lot of frustrated Patreon supporters. Last time around my admin/tech guys let me know there was only one save and it had been overwritten--he said he would try to set up a system of back ups. He hasn't had time yet to attempt to recover our progress, if he has success I will reply again. If not we will be forced to start over for the second time this week. I need to find the reason for this issue if all servers are not being affected. It is really messing up my ability to promote this game and my community of players. My server is supplied by my sponsor g-portal and I have opened a ticket with them.