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Posts posted by stlnegril9

  1. The HUD not showing the world is noted. But, so far, I've lived with it. I suppose there could be some time when I'm in danger and need to look at inventory, etc. and it gets me killed.

    I prefer not to get killed. We'll see.


    Still learning and exploring. TY Ylands/BI for the 0.9!

  2. I recall a movie where the guy explained why he sleeps in his car. Because if he got an apartment, he'd need another key. And if he got a job, he'd probably need another key for the office. And that's too many keys to worry about. But right now he just has one key to worry about. "I just like having the one key, it's clean."

    I'm not sure why this info should be helpful. It is probably not. But the bbCakes/V-Alfred/Kimbuck exchange reminded me of it.

  3. 2 hours ago, V-Alfred said:

    ... You can't chat with NPC, NPC only able to trade with you atm.

     A bit off topic from OP, and V-Alfred probably knows the game better than me, but I thought sometimes NPCs have initial dialogue when you first find them?

    I have vague memory of one saying something like "have  a look at my wares". Maybe it was a sign on the wall? Maybe I dreamt it.

  4. Decided to slog through it with the pick, just to see. It also seems to vary (or there is something else changing the yields I don't understand). I try to mine all the dirt around the "edges" of the iron to ensure I got every bit. Same approach as earlier. Start new game in Editor, place creator cube, propeller pack, mining drill and iron pickaxe. then "terraform" cube shape, set at "2" size with iron ore. Play the game and mine it, count the yield, then "restart tested Game" and repeat.

    pick        145
    pick        142    (+ 2gold coins, possibly from surrounding dirt)
    pick        174


    Pic of starting situation:



    Pic of typical yield with pickaxe:



    Somewhat puzzled by why it varies so much.

  5. Have never seen (or noticed anyway) those. Could it be from certain light sources in heavy weather? I think a Prot. Bearier is in the 1st pic. I don't see anything actually in the 2nd. And maybe the sun (or a reflection of it), in the 3rd?

  6. Hoping to contribute, I did some minimal testing, iron ore, put a creator cube to get pickaxe or mining drill and used "restart game".

    Yield after grabbing all drops by hand :

    pickaxe       148
    Drill              159,    147,    169,   169

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, V-Alfred said:

    Why do you need to paint for testing?

    It now seems obvious you don't. It was just the sole idea that entered my feeble brain at that moment. But I also don't know if using the same size area in different locations matter in Ylands. (e.g. the powder kegs). There may be coordinate/location specific changes in yields for all I know.

    That was part of my disclaimer on "not sure that's a definitive test". But even having different saves of the "same" game may not be a true test (perhaps there are timestamp or other things used for RNG yields?).

    In any case, thanks for the results. I think (for most people) the minimal difference in yield wouldn't matter much.

  8. You can "paint" ores in the Editor. So, I believe you could paint a particular ore in some world using the Editor, save it, and then try the mining drill on one copy and a pickaxe on the other.

    I'm not sure that's a definitive test but seems legit. I may try that later today if I have time.


    (note "paint" may not be the actual menu selection, but I know I've done it some months ago, testing the look of the various ores in different areas).

  9. @Apokh, I'm guessing you may be misunderstanding Kimbuck's venting of frustration as some type of namecalling attack. I could be wrong, of course, but I read the above as direct result of the recent frustrations with the NA 15 server.

    From what I've seen, Kimbuck (and friends) are better than some in that they are trying to foster a friendly, cooperative environment on some servers. And they are asking devs for the tools to do so. Have never seen them try to stop others from doing whatever style of play they want on other servers.

    As for imagining " anyone wants this " ... I certainly do. But also agree that if people want a different style of play (slaughter everything, whatever); then give them the tools/freedom to have at it.

    • Upvote 1

  10. I've seen players complain about the lag (or really, the long wait time) for the light to come one when entering a dark area or at dusk. Have also noted the same myself, but just learned to deal with it.

    Seems to me, that if a player can turn it on at will, and turns it on in bright light, there should be a penalty (perhaps needing to recharge it?). Because that's akin to when someone leaves all the lights in the house on and never turns a SINGLE ONE OFF! ahem.

  11. Having never been able to actually get MP to work, my opinion may not count for much, but from what I've read on this forum (and experience with other games), I'd probably still prefer option 2.

    But if you were willing to put in the time, option 1 could be an interesting alternative to play something different (particularly the diving for crystals idea). I will note that discouraging PVP via no loot drop is not the same (IMO) as no PVP. It seems some players (OK ... griefers, morons) would still kill others with no loot drop.

  12. On 5/20/2018 at 2:43 AM, kimbuck said:

    It looks like  NA  15 has run its course.... griefers have killed all the predators  and one has  tamed nearly   every horse in his name ..and abandoned the area.


    We are looking around other servers  for a while  and  when 0.9  arrives we  might set  ourselves up on a DS    ..with invite  only,   or a public one  with  admin powers  to  block all the  troublemakers we recognize

     ( we have a  admin channel now,  where we list  the names and   ids  of  confirmed  griefers..)

    Its been fun .. and we have  developed a  nice  friendly  creative  community ^_^




    I took this to mean the NA 15 server was done,  but I saw later posts from BBCakes and others indicating people still use it. Is it worth trying to join it still? Or better to wait until something new is set up?

  13. I tried NA15 again, multiple times. Still the same error, which I think was actually "Network Layer Error (2)" and a connection time out. People say it is stable so it is probably on my end.

    So I tried NA16 just to see, and I joined with no issues (other than not having played MP before ... probably left a body standing there when I logged out). Not sure why one works for me and the other doesn't.

  14. An update on tests mentioned above in a game started in "editor" then played as explore" (meaning it is basically an empty world when starting). I did finally get some mutated wolves to spawn new (sleeping until noon, for 10 days in a row). Still no idea of the frequency/randomness of animal spawning. My 2 other animals (a horse and a goat) spawned nothing.


    However, be warned that the animals can "drop" below the "surface" of the world. Others have reported they will eventually get into lower caves and even covered holes in some cases, but I didn't expect to see this: (no idea how it "passes thru" the level grass area).




    I checked the unique ID of that Mutated wolf and it was oddly (in my opinion)  lower number than the above surface wolves.

  15. OK, this is not as important as some MP problems and the thing messing up FooBar's server. But it still would be nice to get some kind of answer or explanation.


    On the bright side, I guess it makes it easier to make a Horse Hide Jenga tower like this:



  16. Why do Horse Hides only stack up to 2 (two)? (wiki says 5, but that's not what I get). All other hides, as far as I can tell (boar, rabbit, brown bear, polar bear, puma, wolf, goat, etc.) appear to stack to 5.

    I'd actually rather see those go to 10, but there may be some game balance/game design reason they force us to manage inventory with only 5. (I believe stacks in inventory, containers, and groupings on the ground are all the same stack limit).

    In my case I'm trying to cull horses because their population has gotten out of control and I think performance may be an issue eventually if I don't slow them down. (I'm not a monster!). After a brief run my inventory is overflowing b/c they only stack in 2's.

    You could create other reasons for needing to carry many horse hides - maybe an NPC has a trade for them, for example. It really shouldn't matter why. Sure, we could turn them into rags for cloth or bandages, etc. or into leather, but it still leaves the question.


    Why do Horse Hides only stack in 2's?

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