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Posts posted by handofthesly

  1. I like the idea of being able to mark or write notes on the map. Not so sure on having a key/legend though, most would have discovered the ores before discovering how to craft a map anyway. But if you have the ability to mark the map then people would be able to note down this sort of thing for themselves. 

    • Upvote 1

  2. I've noticed that when I go to move items from my inventory into a chest or container, the items refuse to stack with identical items that are already in the chest/container.

    So if I've got an incomplete stack of Iron Ingots in a chest and want to move another few Iron Ingots out of my inventory and join it with the ones in the chest, it simply won't do it.

    Right clicking the ingots in my inventory doesn't work, and drag and dropping them into the chest won't work either. Instead it will just fill an empty slot if there is one. If there isn't a free slot available then the items will stay in your inventory stubbornly. When this happens you have to drag and drop the stack that's in the chest onto the one that's in your inventory and then put the now combined stack back into the chest. Really annoying.

  3. Hi there,

    This isn't necessarily a bug but maybe something that was just overlooked when the Herb Bags were introduced.

    When you go to craft at the Alchemy Station, and you have your plant material stored in a Herb Bag, it will show you have the plant material available to use but when you press the Craft button it won't craft the potion. Once you remove the plant material from the Herb Bag and have it in your  normal inventory space it works just fine as it should.

    On a side note, items won't stack automatically within the new containers when you drag and drop them in from within the inventory. Instead they take up another slot as a separate stack. It would be good if they automatically stacked.

    • Upvote 2

  4. In my experience, sailing in one single direction for ages is not the best method for finding new islands.

    Normally I climb to the highest peak on my spawn island and look for birds. However, I've always been able to see birds so I know which direction to start sailing in.

    In this picture you can just see 2 birds in the distance, I sailed that direction and found 2 separate islands.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  5. You can place the logs when you have them selected in your hotbar or using free place mode by pressing the V key.

    No, it's not as easy as Minecraft blocks but you can be way more creative in what you can make.

    There are a number of different building blocks that you can make using materials such as clay, marble chunks, stone chunks, sandstone chunks as well as hay!

    For marble, stone and sandstone blocks you need a chisel and a hammer.

    For brick blocks you need to use clay inside of a Kiln workstation.

  6. Thanks Ane, I was sure I had already done this but evidently I hadn't. But know please tell me how do I remove my old character from the game and get my stuff back that I was carrying at the time? I've started as a fresh spawn and my old character is just standing there real creepy like. What do I do with him? xD

