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Posts posted by handofthesly

  1. Sometimes you need to have the materials of the other recipe in order for it to open the rest. So for example the Map unlocks with the Quill and Ink instead of the Pencil. Same with the Fur Clothes, you need to craft using the Wolf Hides first before it unlocks the rest of the hides as an option.

    Not sure if they are going to change this

    • Like 1

  2. So far I have found Bread, Roast Meat & Roast Bird Meat to provide the longest satiation, about 15 minutes.

    Next up would be the Baked Potato at around 12 minutes

    Then Melons, Pineapples, Roast Starfish at about 10 minutes

    Bamboo Shoot Salad, Roast Fruit, Roast vegetables, Raw Meat, Raw Bird Meat at about 7 minutes

    Bread Dough, Carrots, Potatoes, Roast Mushroom, Spinach Leaves and Roast Crab at 5 minutes

    Corn, Flour, Blackberries, Bearberries, Bananas, Champignon, Oyster Meat, Sea Urchin Meat, Prunella Leaves, Raw Crab, Acai Berries and Raspberries between 1 to 3 minutes so these are the worst but are generally the easiest to find and don't require cooking so good for the first few days.

    Hope this helps!

    • Thanks 1

  3. My map seems to have glitched out a bit. There's one tile where it has duplicated the original area when the map was first created and pasted over the top of another area further North West.

    Dropping the map and picking it back up doesn't do anything, neither does restarting the game. Bizzare.

    Map Bug.png

  4. Just noticed that the username that shows up on both the main menu and the coyn shop is really really weird for me. Have a look at this! What does it mean? xD  It should just say handofthesly which is my Steam username (has recently changed from hannibal).

    Has it got something to do with the original standalone launcher and save files? If you know how to get it to just show my normal username would be awesome :)

    Username Bug.png

    Username Bug1.png

  5. I feel the need for a scythe or similar tool that can be used to harvest a large area of mature crops at once. I'm getting repetitive strain syndrome spam clicking my mouse to harvest my cotton/flax/corn/wheat etc. I focus a lot on large plantings of crops.

    It would look good with a grim reaper outfit! xD

    Maybe have the option of the large two-handed scythe for clearing large areas of crops, grass etc as well as a smaller one-handed sickle for smaller areas? It would definitely save a lot of time and sore hands!



    Flax Field.png

    • Upvote 2

  6. It was the latest Steam version when I posted but I see the new Steam Release Candidate has just been released so hopefully this fixes it. It was either die of starvation or use the /killme command as /unstuck wasn’t working. Either way I think I would have lost my gear as I wasn’t “falling” anymore.

  7. It was strange because eventually we stopped falling and were just standing there, the horse was even going through idle grazing animations. In all honesty it happened so quick that I couldn't tell if it was because I hit an object or a particular part of the terrain. Unfortunately there is no gravestone marker to show me where I died. I managed to use the /killme command to respawn but lost all of my gear. My other horse isn't reacting to my summons anymore either :( 

  8. I can't seem to get the Material Container to work. No item wants to go into the container and I've tried so many items that should be classified as materials!

    I've tried it while it is in my Inventory as well as when it's placed on the ground.


    EDIT: Thanks to BigBoss87 I have learnt that only Dirt, Sand, and Gravel can be used with the Material Container.

  9. On the subject of Padlocks again ... 

    I can't seem to lock any doors or containers/chests. It works on ship helms, engines, car driver seats, cannons, levers and workstations but not chests, doors or energy switches. 

    Is it meant to be this way?

    Also, is it possible to rename the padlocks? Say I've created one for my ship and called the padlock after the ships name - The Jolly Roger for example. But then I want to take the padlock off and use it on a different ship - The Black Pearl - but the padlock is still called The Jolly Roger. Anyway of changing the name?

    Many thanks!

  10. On 11/21/2017 at 1:57 AM, Aleš Ulm said:

    Actually, there's one more issue that needs to be addressed asap - we just became aware that formulas for the newly introduced padlocks may not show in the crafting panel. There will be a small hotfix coming out for this shortly.

    ^^ THIS was driving me mad! I thought I must be missing some crucial ingredient or material xD The recipes show after the patch, thanks, now I can update the Wiki

  11. I'm having a lot of fun messing with the new cars in Ylands but there is one feature that I think would work great - Four-Wheel Drive!
    The existing cars work fine on level surfaces such as the race track, however, they struggle on uneven, steep terrain both up and down.

    I would LOVE to have the option to build a 4WD short wheel base chassis with higher ground clearance, big mud tread tyres and a 4 wheel drive Low gear that you could change down into with the press of a button. The low gear would mean you could crawl at a slower pace and maneuver over obstacles safely and the shorter wheel base, higher ground clearance and bigger, grippier tyres would help to get over rocks, stumps, fallen logs and steeper terrain! Basically a shortened version of the Large Chassis or a lifted version of the Small Chassis.

    This would make the car more practical in Exploration mode so we can explore the Yland and have a blast off-roading and rock crawling! I think a tow bar and a winch would be great to help get you out of tricky situations too, and a snorkel so the engine can breath in deeper water and ponds without cutting out. I'm thinking something along the lines of this:



