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Posts posted by John - NEXFER

  1. Just now, B0atsMcG0ats said:

    Latest drivers off of Nvidia's website, as I just installed the card a week ago. I have looked in that location, despite the fact that Steam is not installed there, nor is Ylands, and there is nothing. I've done a search of my entire system, no file with the name output_log_clean exists, nor does YlandsLauncher.

    Have you tried to uninstall / reinstall at all?

    Have you installed the pre-Steam client on this machine as well at all?

    If you haven't tried uninstall /reinstall, you should try uninstall it on Steam, if you have both clients installed, could try and check in control panel - uninstall a program and get rid of the non-Steam version.

    Your system seems fine and capable, seems like something going wrong with the files.

  2. 27 minutes ago, B0atsMcG0ats said:

    Posted on Steam discussions as well as Reddit, and either there's no information on my specific problem, or my GoogleFu is failing me.

    Installed game a few hours ago, via Steam. Started up, launcher appears, I check my settings + hit play. That's as far as I got. Game went to black screen, mouse cursor has 'loading' anim, and my CPU response drops to bare minimum. I wait five, ten minutes, nothing happens. Clicking, alt-tabbing, pressing any keys bring up the Windows 'X is not responding' dialog, and ask to close/wait. Waiting does nothing, so I do it again and close. Searching the official forums doesn't give me anything useful, all the other black screen/freeze issues are with people who are non-Steam users, or have no trouble with the launcher.

    I've searched all files/folders relevant to any game installs on this system, there's no YlandsLauncher.exe, and trying to start Ylands.exe brings me round again.

    I have verified through Steam, says all is correct. Considering a refund. Log files are no help, I've searched the only log file I could find in Ylands_Data, and it says the game has no problem initializing, gives no indication of program failure or closure.

    System Info:

    AMD X4 860K 3.9Ghz Unlocked

    NVIDIA GTX 1050 Ti 4GB

    8GB DDR3 RAM

    Windows 10 (updated to at least Nov 30)

    AFAICT latest VC, DirectX, C++


    There is no output_log_clean file to upload. This is the only log I can find, which is associated with this software.


    Hi there!

    This seems like a rather unusual error, I presume you play other games on your system just fine?

    You should be able to find the output_log_clean here, is it not there?  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data

    Is your GTX 1050 running on the latest drivers as well?

  3. 10 minutes ago, Vonnie406 said:

    thanks for this, i have now positioned my wooden letters :).  Can't see how to put letters on signs in editor.  But as I can use the letters it doesn't matter so much.  Thanks again, really helpful

    No problem! Double click a sign (or most objects) in the editor and it brings up a menu. :)

  4. 8 minutes ago, SpartanLand said:

    Hello Dev/Design Team,

    I have just started to create the large ship on my explorer world but while adding my own personal additions to the boat i noticed that the boat is 16 blocks in width but the doors are 3 blocks, meaning nothing will line up evenly (unless i put 2 doors (6 blocks wide). 

    I guess my suggestion would be to make the ship and all components 1 block wider? If not i can work with my double door idea :)



    I agree! And you cannot centre the dang ship's helm on a fresh large ship!

  5. 16 minutes ago, Martin Berntsen said:

    I am also looking for an answer. My friend isnt able to host when us others want to play, so he asked if I could take over as host.

    Hi there -

    Step one, shut down the current game and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\298610\remote\SaveGames on the current host PC.

    Step two, copy your save game file, send it to the new host somehow.

    Step three, place the file in the same location on the new host PC.

    Step four, load the game on the new host, enable multiplayer in the options.

    Step five, have a party around a bonfire!

    *Both game clients should be closed while transferring, to avoid sync issues.*

    • Like 1

  6. 10 minutes ago, PurpleGreen1 said:

    i think i try to draw it ... its a bit confusing to read.

    Just a point as I do enjoy a good BP system, however, if it's a bit confusing to read and explain, surely it would be less user friendly? Simpler tends to be more user friendly I thought!

    I play several other games that use a BP system that is easy to understand, but just as complicated lacking the initial how-to knowledge.

    Currently, Ylands seems complicated because the initial how-to knowledge is - obtain all the required materials, or a new recipe won't unlock. If you don't know this prior, the whole things doesn't make much sense at first.

    However, as you play and explore, you will inevitably notice that more things are unlocking, and those things require materials that you already have - making it a fairly straight forward learning curve - which is actually quite realistic, if we presume that the player has no knowledge of making any of these things prior to becoming stranded in the explore mode.

    Having a few different objects in your kit, will allow you to think up new and useful ways to put them together, seems kind of life-like.

    Similarly with the BP systems, if you don't have some prior knowledge about the system, some new players will likely be equally confused about how to progress.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Zayzu said:

    So I started playing multiplayer with my brother and I noticed that the crafting recipies di not unlock when they should, as they did on singleplayer when I played by myself. Enyone know why, or how to fix the issue?

    It's possible that exiting the game completely, and loading back in might fix this issue if it's occuring - specifically, which recipe should have unlocked but hasn't, and have you checked on the wiki to see if you have all the requirements to unlock it?

    The wiki is still new, and is being updated at the moment, but you can usually find a recipe list by searching Google for 'Ylands wiki <NAME HERE>".

  8. 1 minute ago, Vonnie406 said:

    Hi, i have multitude of containers, they only hold 9 things.  i have so many i never know where anything is! haha!  i made a sign thinking maybe i could write on it and label up the baskets and chests, but it seems you can only place them.  has someone been able to do this? I also made some wooden letters but i don't get an option to place them, so no idea what they're for.  

    Yeah, signs can be edited in the editor, but I hadn't tried to in game, I presume if you could, an option to write on it would pop up when you are close enough.

    Regarding the letters, drag one in to your hotbar and press 'V' to enable manual placement of objects.

  9. 1 minute ago, Magnarhd said:


    I've played quite a bit and me and a few friends have started creating our own town, the only difficulty is keeping the place lit up at night. Lanterns don't really do the trick and bonfires look a little out of place.

    Are there any other lights/lamps? I've created light bulbs (accidentally) though I'm not sure if they're for vehicles?

    Any advice would be appreciated. 

    Hi there,

    Once you unlock some devices that can generate energy (electricity), then there is a range of powered lights and lamps that can be created, complete with on/off switches! 

    Until those things are unlocked however, it's cave-man style!

    • Upvote 1

  10. 7 minutes ago, TheUrbanSquatch said:

    I've been looking at the editor, perhaps I'm just being dense, but I cannot figure out how to rotate the camera view. I can rotate objects and such, but how do you change the way the camera is facing?

    Hold right click on mouse and strafe with your WASD keys :) Shift will speed up WASD movement

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  11. 4 minutes ago, predator[rus] said:

    How to save the process?
    The game is understandable, it does not provide, but I have several times made the game world not playable. I would like to roll back in case of fatal errors of the game.

    Exiting to the main menu should initiate a save game - you can then locate your save game files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\298610\remote\SaveGames

    • Thanks 1

  12. 4 minutes ago, blfonsworth said:

    Not sure if a bug or working as intended.

    In local hosted game. Single player that has been opened up to multiplayer. This involves having 2 large ships in different locations.

    Ship A is anchored off starter island. Ship B is anchored elsewhere (at 2nd island, north of starter island, different biome)

    If someone joins the game and swims out to Ship A, anchored off starter Island, climb ladder, they are teleported to Ship B. We used this method repeatedly last night. I was hosting the game and never tried it myself.

    How we stumbled upon it:

    I was hosting a game and another friend was playing with me. A 3rd player joined us and we got on Ship A and sailed it back to the starter Island. I decided to leave it there because it was slow and we made a raft and went back to Island 2 and built a 2nd Large ship hull (Ship B). Later on a 4th player joined, he was brand new, just downloaded the game. While we were debating how we would get him to us on the 2nd island he swam out to Ship A (anchored at starter island) and climbed up the ladder. It put him on the deck of Ship B, anchored in the lagoon in front of our new base on Island 2.

    We had a 5th and a 6th player join who repeated this process to get to us.


    Idk if this is a bug or if this is supposed to work like this. If it's supposed to work like this, if we build a 3rd large ship.. or even the regular ship, will they override each other and make it stop working? If not, I'll leave the 2 where they are and build a 3rd to roam the map.

    Certainly not meant to work like this, certainly a bug - but certainly handy!

    I sure wish they could add a teleport system to the game (besides the randomly generated one)!

    I think one could be made in the editor, but not on an explore mode because it does not allow you to edit game logic objects for explore mode :(

    Two in game build-able items would be ideal.

    Teleport Pad Sender and Teleport Pad Receiver - place the sender at the new player spawn, place the receiver elsewhere, even make them password protected or something neat!

  13. 36 minutes ago, zarwil said:

    I don't know how to reply in this forum but I hope you see this anyways xD 

    I'll give you an example of what I mean -all in one.

    I have this save file (attached) of a ship in the editor. Every block on the ship was painted in different shades of brown when I saved the game, however only a few blocks are actually painted if you load the save. I played around with it just now and didn't seem to be able to replicate it which is weird cause it happened twise yesterday. I saved quite often to make sure I didn't lose my progress. Maybe it has to do with painting huge ammounts of blocks at once. It also had cannons before and a few other peices that were "duplicaded" from an earlier save, but I removed those. For example there was 2 sets of cannons, one set from an earlier save placed slightly further back and not painted, and another set from the current save painted black sitting inside the other cannons but very slightly further ahead.

    As for the copying; If I now want to mark every block on this ship and save as a composition, I have to mark them all individually with ctrl+left click. You will realize this is not practical if you load the save. You can't reach all blocks without removing others first and there are hundreds of blocks in total. What I suggest is a marking feature like MCEdit had where you click twise to mark two points in space that serve as two opposite edges in a cube/cuboid, thereby selecting every object inside the cuboid. Maybe this exists already but I haven't been able to find it and there is no information about it on the internet or in the game to my knowledge. I suggest you look at MCEdit actually because it's a brilliant tool and you might get a few ideas :)

    Thanks for the help :)


    Hi there!

    So the first point - I've had an issue with painted blocks on my ship saving as well, I painted a ship all one colour, saved it as a composition and loaded it in to an explore mode, only to find that each different map I load it in to, it appears as a different set of colours!

    I think they may be aware of this, if not they are now!

    On to your second point - there is a kind of trick to this, not sure if they meant for this to be tricky on purpose, but here's how you go about doing it!

    First - select the ship's hull object (large green box around everything should show up).

    Second - hold Ctrl and click on any block that you have added to your ship.

    Third - now that your ship hull and single block are selected, right click on the single block and choose "Save as composition" - it will save all the blocks as one.

    Spawn in your composition to test before closing to make sure it works fine (you can click back button to remove it again if all is well).

    • Like 1

  14. Hi all,

    So I've just released a multiplayer game mode that has a lot of cars on it, I have built islands with tracks on them using the terrain forming tools in the editor, and have joined them together with roads.

    However, so far I've lost most of my cars through them falling through the terrain while driving them on these islands / roads.

    I've filmed a video that will demonstrate.

    Is there any way this could be fixed pretty please? It cripples my game mode for multiplayer.

    It doesn't happen at all in single player on this game mode, it started happening when I joined as a guest to my server running this game mode.


    * Edit

    Also two more bugs occured while I was testing as a guest on this multiplayer session -

    While in 3rd person camera view mode, and driving a car, the auto-follow camera view would not trigger, and I was not able to get it to trigger, meaning that I was having to adjust the camera view with my mouse, while steering the car with my keyboard... tricky!

    This works fine in first person mode, and in single player mode, so just 3rd person as a guest on multiplayer.

    Secondly, as a guest on multiplayer - driving a car often jolts, visually it looks like network lag, rather than low FPS or graphical lag. Furthermore, the animals do this jolt movement as well. 

  15. 31 minutes ago, GoblinGirl said:

    Thanks to all that have commented so far.  To answer some of the questions:

    My graphics is not inbuilt.  It's an Nvidia GE Force 970

    I'm pretty sure I have more than the min specs required for the game with 32 GB of Ram and 358 GB of Free Hard Drive Space.

    My husband doesn't think it's the GPU overheating but we switched out the power supply.  Before it was 750W and now I have 1200W installed.  I played it with the new power supply last night and I didn't experience the computer shutting down.  Maybe we'll play again tonight to see if that is consistent.  Perhaps a stronger power supply was all that was needed, but considering I play a lot of games, is it normal for a game like Ylands to make a computer behave like that?  I don't want to mention the games I've played, but anyone can see my Steam profile to know what I play and how the game contents would compare to YLands.  If nothing else, perhaps my problem might help the developers take a look to see what would cause  certain power supplies to be stressed.

    Hi there!

    750w should be more than sufficient for your setup, unless you have multiple disk drives or other devices consuming power?

    GPU - approx 177.81W under gaming load

    CPU - approx 125W under load

    RAM - approx 2.5W per stick

    It seems likely that if the issue stopped on changing your PSU, that the original PSU had become faulty, and showing its effects when enough power was being drawn through it (on starting the graphics in the game)?

    Second to this, I would have gone with an overheating CPU or GPU as the primary cause of a random system switch off (internal thermostat triggers this to protect the system).

    Overheating is fairly simple to fix, however, would require opening up your device, dependent on if you are referring to a tower PC or a laptop, this could be fairly straight forward, or a tad more complicated!

    Plenty of YouTube videos on how-to's for this sort of thing, the primary concerns are the heat cooling systems - the fans and the heat sinks.

    Thermal grease / heat paste might need to be re-applied to the CPU, this is likely the most difficult task in the process, however, in general, you can just get in there and clear out all the gunk and accumulated dust-wads that are likely blocking up your fans and heat sinks!

    Doing this should greatly improve your CPU's potential and life-span.

    If you are using a laptop, you could invest in a coolant pad, that attaches via USB and has fans inside it - you sit your laptop on it, saves your legs getting hot, and efficiently cools the laptop.

    Good luck!



    • Thanks 1

  16. Just now, handofthesly said:

    Cool, I figured there was a submarine somewhere when I found that key in the caves but never managed to find it. 

    Sailing around, keep your eyes open for flotsam and debris floating on the surface, dive down below it and check for a submarine, keep on till you find it!

  17. 4 minutes ago, MouthHole said:

    And a 124 hits with the Iron War Axe.

    This is way way too much.

    Annihilator, might need to load the game in editor to spawn it in though, as currently no in-game spawn command. While you're in the editor you could just delete the blocks though so... redundant! Lol.

    • Upvote 1

  18. 4 minutes ago, TeeNTe said:

    "/sethour x" doesn't work for me.. 

    In fact it's not listed in the cmdlist and if I enter it, it only says that the command doesn't exist.



    I believe that /sethour and /additem were removed pre-Steam release, not sure if these will return, or why they aren't there now!

  19. 30 minutes ago, Migelthesloth said:

    So... Can't figure out what's going on. It's been nearly a day now, and I've tried just about anything. Here's what I tried:

    -Verifying Game Files using Steam

    -Restarting Steam and Restarting PC

    -Launching .exe as admin and launching Steam as admin

    -Shutting down Firewall

    -Getting newest Graphics card drivers

    -Fully uninstalling and doing a fresh re-download of Ylands

    -Closing all antivirus and and antimalware applications before launching.

    -Setting .exe as always launch as admin, then starting trough Steam (Guy on the Steam forums said it fixed it)


    -Changed launch options per Steam, concerning Startup Settings and Direct X versions.

    -> None of these steps solved or changed the problem in any way. My hardware above, I went over it a few times and I'm convinced it meets the minimum reqs for playing.


    Currently also have a Steam thread running, dev response told me to ask here.

    3rd party solution maybe? - Driver Booster, get a free pro key from one of the hundreds of YouTube giveaway's (just search for driver booster 5 key).

    It should resolve any system / driver / game component issues that you might face.

    Moreover, when you say it's giving an error -

    Is there any 'more information' button presented?

    Is it Windows, or Steam or Ylands that is providing this error (Windows will usually handle a crashed program, but Steam and Ylands are also capable of providing errors on startup!)?

    If it's Windows, there should be a more info button, and it should provide some form of error code, that could help us narrow down the cause.

  20. 14 minutes ago, Frank16Gr said:

    By going back to main menu and back to the game i managed to take the ship (when i took the ship and tried to move it, the water near me disappeared, screenshot below) and go back to my yland, as soon as i left that area of the ocean everything worked fine. I went back to that area (the water was fine now) to retrieve my items from all the deaths and i noticed that i couldn't interact with my horse anymore and that when i tried to move the rafts i left there the same bug with the controls happend. Same is happening with the ship everytime i am in that area but after i leave that "chunk"/ocean area, everything works fine again.


    Something has gone wrong between your horse, it's allocated island (one horse per island, can't summon a horse from one island, on another island), and / or the water, horse not being able to swim, having programming that likely makes it avoid water etc.

    Some possible workarounds could include killing your beloved horse (rip) or maybe the raft, though more likely the horse :( (or somehow returning your horse to its island alive :S)
