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Everything posted by T-27

  1. T-27

    Ship Stuck

    I built a ship, sailed it in a big loop. Now i seem to be hitting a imaginary wall. There is several feet of water in between the ocean floor and the bottom of the ship, no visible obstacles in the ships way. Tried, moving forward, backwards, turning left, right. I'm even starting to dig below the ship to see if that's the issue. Anyway to unstick the ship?
  2. T-27

    Ship Stuck

    Thank you so much! I completely forgot i accidentally removed the ladder, then attempted to replace it. After i removed it, i was able to sail just fine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Would have probably rage quit since i loaded my ship with everything i owned and made ever piece of crafting equipment and stuck it on board. Also, if the developers are reading, i also misplaced a ladder in the dirt, underwater, and i attempted to climb on it, it took me underneath the world and i couldn't get back up. Died, lost all my stuff. below ground, which i couldn't get it back.