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Filip Krijt

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Everything posted by Filip Krijt

  1. Filip Krijt

    network error 114

    Hey guys, first of all, thank you for your reports and log files! We are working on locating and fixing the 114 disconnect issue, but randomly appearing bugs like this one are notoriously hard to diagnose, and the more info we have the easier it will be for us to find the problem - so your input is extremely valuable, please keep the logs and reports coming! I have read the stuff you have already provided and I am putting together what we know about the bug, but there are still some pieces missing. As of now, we can see the symptoms (in which part of the game something breaks down), but not the cause - yet. If you want to work together with us on fixing this pesky bug, the best way you can help is once again by providing more info Right now, the most interesting aspects of the bug are these: Whether the 114 disconnect issue occurs only when there are other players on the server as well, or even when you are alone on the server; does it happen more often when a lot of other players are online? If relogging after the 114 results in another 114 being shown, and if so, how long does this cycle typically last until you are able to log in again? If there is any kind of a pattern as to what was going on when you were disconnected? So far it seems that our prime suspects are when interacting with some other entity (boat, horse, ...) which you control, or during a player join. Getting the answers to these questions, especially #3, would go a long way towards helping us locate the bug. Being able to intentionally reproduce the bug would kinda be the holy grail here. So, ideally, when you see a 114 disconnect in some situation you haven't reported yet, if you could make notes about these three questions (or anything else that strikes you as suspicious really) and then report them back here along with a fresh log, that would be awesome! Logs from the server you were playing on that capture the event from the other side are also very valuable. Thanks a lot and sorry for your trouble! @Baz Foobar Thank you for the offer, if you would be willing to upload the save file to some online storage service (e.g. OneDrive, Google Disk) and sent me the link via a PM, I'd like to have a look at that - might be helpful. Also, if you have some more logs for 114 disconnects of your players I would be very interested in those as well.