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  1. Hey there! First, I just wanted to say that I'm very proud of how Ylands has grown. It inspires me to see Aleš and his team still hard at work chiseling Ylands to the best it can be. Second, I apologize if this seems intuitive, or obsolete by the Ylands Editor. I was wondering, in terms of the editor and coding, would there be a chance for users to put out certain modifications for Ylands? What I mean by this is packaged modifications that change how you would play your exploration game. Take for instance Bethesda's Skyrim and Fallout. Both games have a huge community of modders that provides functionality to the game such as custom armors, or lock-on targetting. What I wish for is some sort of marketplace/explorer where users can insert self-contained modifications into their Ylands functionality. One modification could be a change of the UI Design, another could be smarter AI or animals with behaviors akin to their real counterpart. Another more complex example, changes to the rendering pipeline / URP. Even better, a modification that changes animations. The best, a modification that completely revamps the combat. With respect to the developers, of course! I do not mean to patronize or belittle the great work they've put into Ylands! A nutshell version of this would be a functionality where users can share code and changes to their Ylands for easy integration. Other users could then view available modifications through an explorer tab, see one they like, and add it to their Yland with the click of a button. Next time they open up their Yland, the functionality is there! I understand these are ludicrous changes that would require taking Ylands apart, but seeing as Ylands is built in Unity and supports coding in C#, I would assume some sort of address library to hook into Ylands functionality would do wonders. I also understand that adding these modifications to your exploration game would kill any kind of compatibility for the multiplayer aspect of exploration... But on the flip-side, it would let creators be able to curate functionalities to be added through the Ylands Editor, and might later be included as an official feature in Ylands if their reception is great. This brings me to my ludicrous question. GIVE ME THE SOURCE CODE. I'll sign any NDA. Please. Wait, that's not a question. What I meant to ask is, are there any ways for users to help with the development of Ylands which does not border on legal terms? ? Sincerely, Me, I guess.