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Found 3 results

  1. Lani Collins

    I need my name changed :(

    I need help changing my name from DDDDDDora to vyrakill I made this my username years ago when I was way younger and I guess I've already changed it once so I'm no longer able to change it, please help
  2. rat_

    Name Change

    I haven't played YLands in a while, and I would like to change my name from 'JayStinks' to 'overcookedricotta' if possible.
  3. George_Gabriel

    Name Change Request

    Hello, I made a mistake while creating my name in game. Initially I was going to name my character - GeorgeGabriel [ but it was already taken ] So I decided to name my character - xGeorgeGabrielx instead But I made a slight mistake and I accidentally typed - xGeorgeGabrielX I know its a bit of a silly request, but is there a way for me to create a new character or perhaps I could make a request to someone authorized to have my name changed to - xGeorgeGabrielx