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Found 6 results

  1. Lani Collins

    I need my name changed :(

    I need help changing my name from DDDDDDora to vyrakill I made this my username years ago when I was way younger and I guess I've already changed it once so I'm no longer able to change it, please help
  2. Dmitriy Greenwood

    Name Change Request

    Hello. Help me rename my character name in the game from "Dimaa" to "Robinson" or "Robinzon" or "Greenwood". Thank you.
  3. Dj Loopy

    name change

    im wondering if i could get my name changed from waterB0y to Gunyur ive asked before but not sure if dead forums or not ... thanks in advance for the trouble
  4. rat_

    Name change

    How do I change my in game name without linking my email and losing my coins?
  5. PercyCreeper

    Can´t get my old account

    Hello, I played Ylands before the 1.0 release, and after that I wanted to use the link account button, because why not? But now I couldn´t choose my old name, PercyCreeper and named myself now PercyC, but is there a way to get my old name back? It say´s, that the name is used... (My YLands name is PercyCreeper, but my Charakters name isn´t) Hope you can help me, Percy Edit: I think I was given a complete new account... Is that somehow able to be fixed?
  6. AlchemistDagger

    change game names in editor

    hi, I have been making changes to a live game in the editor and each time I exit the editor it saves a copy of my changes. Problem is that it saves a new copy with the same name. Now I have 5 copies of the same game listed when I open it in the editor. But there is no way (that I am aware of) to pick which one of the files with the same name when I open to play live in. There needs to be a 'save as' option in the editor as well as a way to change saved names or delete old games from the editor. Also, a way to pick which file I want to play if there are multiple games with the same name. I also posted this issue in the problems/bugs category, then found the files saved under my documents directory.