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Found 3 results

  1. Hunter-Over-Fire


    I would some day like to see more back accessories, especially backpacks! Backpacks could provide the player with a cool new look and increased inventory. There could be different types and styles of backpacks. I am always looking forward to dressing my NPCs in better clothing.
  2. Hunter-Over-Fire


    I would some day like to see more masks for characters in Ylands for vanity sake. There could be things like a balaclava, hockey masks, gas masks, etc. I love doing NPC designs for my games and am happy when i have things to dress them in.
  3. Hunter-Over-Fire


    I recommend adding gloves to ylands for vanity. Gloves could provide armor points too so there could be armored gloves. I am an editor creator and i love designing my NPCs and i would always like more things to add to them.