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Found 2 results

  1. Hi guys, Simple suggestion but one that would bring substantial improvement to quality of life. When writing a scroll, paper (Hopefully books one day 😉) could we have the ability to change the name of the object in question? This way I can see exactly what the scroll/paper is before i decide to pick it up. Thanks!
  2. Deadeye_Rob

    Craftable, writable Books

    Hi guys, just a quick one. I enjoy filling the shelves of my house with books and writing notes on my adventures. Ive been wondering for a while; Why can't we craft and write our own books? This would be a lovely addition to Explore mode and a fantastic feature when crafting custom games on Editor. Written Books have proven very successful on Minecraft Servers. They've been used as Infomation Packs for new players, Background Lore for RPG based games as well as a load of other things! It shouldn't be too difficult to craft them, a stack of paper pages and maybe a scrap of leather for the cover? From a Dev point of view, this suggestion shouldn't be too hard to implement as the models are already present in the game. let me know what you think guys! ? Rob