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Found 1 result

  1. COVID RELIEF BUILDING CONTEST What if we came together to build awesome builds & make the world a better place! @RedEagle_P1. said: "I will donate $5 to charity (Coivd relief) for every photo submission of in-progress work up to $100." And more of us are likely to join him!! ?THE GOAL Create a custom build that provides entertainment to explore players, contains some form of a challenge or a small puzzle. Maybe a floating island? A treasure in a tower full of hungry beasts? Mythical sword hidden in a cave temple? That is all up to your own fantasy! To be clear this is a building competition, no script needed. If you have a vision for a code, puzzle function for your build, it's always a +. We can help with that and we highly encourage you to build with future code in mind. !PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS COMPETITION IS NOT SPONSORED OR ORGANIZED BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE! ?THE PRIZES ?1.st 50 USD ?2.nd 30USD ?3.rd 20USD ?RULES Understand that you are building a ruin for people to visit on a explore server. Each ruin should fit with the biome it's in & have a relevant prize: 1️⃣Choose the biome your ruin will fit in: - Tundra - Polar - Etc. 2️⃣ Choose the prize people will get: -Weapon with special color/effect - Rare building materials -Etc. 3️⃣Download a composition HERE to see the maximum allowed size or place down 14 4x4 marble blocks. ❌Avoid excessive violence, sexual themes, horror, NSFW content. ❌Don't make something massive, keep it simple, fun and not-laggy. Too many blocks cause lag. Weld objects to reduce lag. ❌Cannot use Ylands workshop assets or prior-made content. ? DEADLINE 09.08 - 10 PM CST time zone. Submit by using THIS LINK. + Don't forget to reply I'm in right under this post!! ?JUDGING We will host an online streaming event, where we will vote the winners together! ? ?CONNECT WITH US We are always happy to answer your questions below this post or on our DISCORD, where building tutorials and advices are also shared!!! ?LEGAL Anything you submit in the competition via the official link in order to win the prize will require a copyright transfer as we will be putting it all in one big server for everyone to enjoy