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Found 1 result

  1. Raccoon-d673154438c9b428

    [SUGGESTION] Placementsystem [QoL]

    Hello there! I would suggest to add a function to the current placement system. We already can define the Z-Axis on the placement via Q & Z and i want to get Keybindings for the X-Axis Since a bunch of players want to build realistically you need to build in the Voxel-World which do not have a pattern and the placement cant go into the dirt, because you will always hit the surface, in the Height you can choose the Z Position via Keybinds. My Suggestion Add the function with the Z-Axis for the X-Axis too, so we can easily place blocks, even when they are hidden behind the surface. Makes life easier. best wishes. PS: Should i make a Thread for every suggestion?