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Found 1 result

  1. Hey Ylands devs!! Loving your game so far and of course as it is in early access there is always room for improvement. I am suggesting that the items get a better stacking system. For example when I want to move items to a storage container it does not automatically stack them. If I already had grass per say in the storage and now I want to move more grass into the storage there are now to stacks of grass instead of one. Also in our inventory and storages it would be wonderful if we were given an option to sort/stack my items, possibly alphabetized? I hate spending time moving my items around. Finally, could there be a hold right click and drag to drop all items while in inventory, I know you can choose how much but this way it's quicker. Same goes with destroying items it is really annoying that I have to destroy each item one by one, I get a lot of items laying around and are in the way after playing for a while. Thanks!