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Found 1 result

  1. Gamemode: singleplayer, exploration. The ship was all ready fitted with some containers and other free placed blocks, as well as some on grid, when I loaded my save file. So then I placed all sorts of things on my ship. Wooden boxes (on grid), sacks (free placed), barrels (free placed) and some decorations (bear trophy, some books and candles, a seashell jar (with inventory) and a pigment jar (empty). I then sailed around a bit enjoying this glorious game before I quit and went to bed. When I logged in today the ship was reverted to a previous state. Basically what I think happened is that everything but the composition (the ship grid) was saved. So the map was updated with the latest discoveries, my inventory was as i left it.. The ship was even parked where i left it, but all the stuff I had added to the ship was gone... Most of it was containers... containing everything I had grinded for the last couple of days ?? Can't wait to do it again though! Love this game! I am guessing you removed the possibility of editing an exploration game file with the editor to avoid dealing with corrupted saves due to "spectacular editing".. It would have been handy to recover my losses though.. ? Keep up the good work. Thanks for making a great game!