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Found 1 result

  1. Hello, I have got a strange Problem: The more I explore, the more the GPU usage rises. On the first day (6th) I had a GPU usage of 10%. I was only on the starting Island. Then I started traveling to the second Island and the usage was 20-30%. Today I found the third and fourth Island and the usage is around 50-60%. The GPU temperature is rising too. On the first day it was around 50-60C. Today I have 73C. Fans working. I tryed all grafic Settings of Yland (LOW to High, All activated or not. Nothing changes) I am a bit scared. I can Play f.e. Witcher 3 on High without reaching the usage and the Temperature of Yland today. Do you have any idea what to do? Maybe some starting Options? My PC: I5-6600K 8GB RAM gtx 1060 6GB Win10 All Drivers are updated