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RESOLVED various topics



just some topics i want share you, after the last update my goal is to help very modestly, because Ylands is realy my favorite game, i like it so much ! :) never had this feeling, all ingredients i like are in this masterpiece !

Please, excuse my english... i do the effort.

- i think there is maybe little problems that occur when the game is saving, in survival mode :

#1 when saving, it takes sometimes a long time, the load indicator is turning and it doesn't finish, i have to close the game, and after reloading the game, the save is ok

#2 only one time, after saving, it didn't work and bring me to an old save

#3 i have the case of a mutated bear i have killed (... was hard :) , but after a save, he is here seems to be alive, but don't interact, he is animated, but stay here, i can't hit him

- problem maybe when the map begin bigger, when you have discovered maybe 5-6 Ylands

#1 i have the feeling that animals stay at the same place, they are animated, but are staying approximatively at the same place, that was not the case at the beginning of my adventure

#2 a little problem with the shadows, they are flashing, but it's not a serious thing, and i have the feeling that when i stay, discover a lot of things on the Ylands i'm visiting, the phenomenon is decreasing

Only on the new Ylands, on the first Yland where i began, there isn't the phenomenon

- Little topic with box of inventories and "shift" (i hope you will understand i don't have screenshot where i'm writting)

#1 little problem with a "hat item" on the crafting inventory, i don't remember exactly the one, but it is not one the box, it's offset

#2 I have sometimes the same thing on my inventory, but when i save and i come back it's fixed

- last one, i don't play with water, i think there are bugs, especially when you dig and the watter go inside, but i like so your mechanic of water

I have too the feeling you have done optimisations, and the update is very interesting ! Congratulation for your work !

Maybe it will help a little, really i encourage you and see you, i'm impatient to see the following :):):)


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Every mentioned problems should be fixed in current version of the game (problem with stuck animals can happen if player does not have minimum hardware requirements).

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