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Mars Snapper

RESOLVED Inventory bug/save issue


I was playing in explore mode last night, when all of the sudden two slots in my inventory stopped functioning. One of these items was an iron axe and the other was clay bricks, and although I could see an axe picture in my inventory it was actually outside of the inventory screen hovering somewhere between quick bar and the inventory menu. I was unable to select it, so I quit to main menu and when I reloaded my save and found I had lost about an hour and a half of progress. Today when I woke up I went back into my save to see how long it would take to get back to where I was before my data was lost, and my character name was unassigned and I had no inventory. I deleted the save out of frustration before realizing you fine folks would probably want a look at it, sorry! I hope this kind of helps regardless, and will be holding onto my future saves.


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