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RESOLVED few bugs from last night


Me and a friend played explore mode for a couple hours last night and found a few brand new Ylands to explore and mine! However we did run into a few issues:

1) Inventory lock - While on the ship, very early in our playtime, my quick inventory disappeared from my screen. I was able to TAB into my main inventory and select an item, but could not use / interact with it at all. For example, I could select my map and my character would be shown holding it, but I could not utilize it. Same with food items. Only remedy was to exit the game and come back in. This has happened in the past but I may have forgotten to report it

2) "Purgatory Glitch" - What ended our playtime last night was when my friend fell a few feet to his death descending a small rock face ( walking mechanics on mountains / rocks is rough ), and was unable to properly re-spawn. When he would try it would place him in the exact spot he died but he could do nothing except run in place in one direction. I even tried killing him and mining the ground out from under him to allow water to flow in. At this point he could only swim in place and slowly froze to death just to have it all begin again. Issues with fall deaths glitching have been happening to us for a couple weeks now.


1) Walking on mountains - I have no idea what it takes to change things in a game, however, I find that walking on any mountain-ish surface to be terrifying because one small mistep will have your character seemingly leap to their death. Perhaps slowing down the movement speed when ascending / descending would make it far less dangerous to navigate these Ylands with rocky terrain. I would say 80% of my deaths have come from simply walking down a rock face and having my guy speed walk off the side and die from a 2-3m fall. 

Like I said, we only played for a couple hours, because after fooling with the "Purgatory Glitch" my friend could not connect to my game, but I think this was a connection issue on my end. So this is all I have at the moment. If I think of something else I will edit this post and add it to the list.


Thanks for the awesome game! 

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Problems were caused by incomplete multiplayer simulation, should be fine for some time now.

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