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Igor Q.

Learn custom recipe



I would like it to be possible to set an entity template (such as a weld) as a possible recipe.

My imagination scenario would be something like this.

- I have an entity template for a welded object with a script attached (such as a Magical Wand)

- The player needs X objects to make it, such as 100 sticks, 10 ylandium, etc (It will check the item type for each object)

- Once the player has all the required objects, the template item can be crafted using the crafting system.


Reason behind this:

I want to be able to create add-on mods for explorer and custom games by integrating the crafting system into the game.



[Character] Learn Recipe [Entity Template] + Type [Array List Type] + Amount [Array List Quantity]

In this case the Array List Type and Quantity are bonded together.

It will search each array 1 index at a time and use those as the reference amounts.

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